Chapter 3 , "The Ice Queen"

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Candy spent her time hiding until the story died... fortunately, the Reagan didn't have a clear picture of her and the reporters got the one they took at the funeral and she was wearing dark glasses, a hat with a veil. Since Neil didn't bring her to parties a lot, the press didn't really know her. Neil neglecting her, was her saving grace...Nobody really knew her face.

The two sisters were living fine together. They would go shopping; they would go running in Central Park, spend the day talking and looking at children playing.

- Did you wish you had kids? Asked Annie.

- With Neil? Hell no! I miscarried once...

- Oh, I'm sorry.

- Then I got the shot ..., I was not going to risk another baby dying because of the creep! Had that baby lived, I would've love it, regardless...but the doctor said I won't most likely be able to have kids anymore...the shot was just a precaution...another thing that creep took from me!

- I'm so sorry, said Annie sadly.

- Thanks, said Candy, let's go back home.

- All right, said Annie.

The two ladies went back to their apartment. The living room was all white, the carpet, the furniture, the curtains, everything. It was beautiful but a nightmare for a couple with children.

Annie's hobby or her dream was to become a designer. She had that natural talent to sew and she never learned it at school. She would sew stuff and wear it herself. She was making a portfolio of her work per Candy's encouragements and sent it to different designer house.

- Candy I don't know if anyone would take me seriously...

- Well go into your own business, you've got a trust fund, why not use to produce money?

- What if I fail?

- You're not going to fail, no matter the case, everybody always need clothes...

- Designer clothes?

- Maybe, but there are also the other people, the less privilege ones... Just make a few items and try the department stores and see how it goes...

- All right, thanks Candy! I'm so exited! What about you?

- What about me?

- Staying home and doing nothing it's not really you...

- Well I wanted to become a nurse once upon a time...

- Why not go back to school?

- That's a thought, think that I let go of my dream to marry that creep...

- Find something else...

- I don't have much experience.

- You took care of the administrative work at the Pony Home...

- Yes...

- You can work in administration...Travel agency...

- Why not...?

So Candy looked for a job and about 3 weeks later, she found a job in a travel agency. It wasn't for the pay, but to have something to do and that way, she was not using either her trust fund or her husband's money. Since she was living with Annie, nothing was in her name, which would made it harder for her in-laws to find her. They were living fine together. Candy would blow off any man who would try to go out with her at the agency or anywhere else for that matter. Neil's awful memories would come back and disgust her from any other man.

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