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Just because me and Billie fucked, doesn't mean I forgave her. I still have feelings for her, but I was pissed. I guess it came out in the form of angry sex. When Billie tried to cuddle up on me afterwards, I wouldn't let her.

I sat outside during breakfast, letting the cool morning air calm me down. I was more upset with Billie than before. How could she? I suppose I didn't process it right away. But to think that somebody else was-

I shuddered, not wanting to think about another persons hands on my girls body. Touching her in a way only I should have. Sending her to a place only I should have been allowed to.

The anger slowly fizzled away, and I just felt hurt. I should've known she'd do this. She cheated on Savannah, who she had been with for over a year, multiple times with the same guy.

I ran a hand through my hair, feeling like it was my fault she cheated. I know it wasn't, but a small part of me thought maybe I just wasn't good enough. Maybe nobody was good enough for her to stay away from Que.

The bell rang, and I stood up slowly, my eyes flickering from the school building to the school gates. I took a step forward, and then another,  my heart hammering in my chest as I passed the school gates and nobody stopped me.


The treehouse hadn't really been used since Savannah died. There was a newfound aura of abandonment, while the first time I'd been here it was nothing but laughter.

I climbed down, not really interested in poking around up there. That wasn't my space. I didn't care if there was the godly scroll of Billie's whole life story up there, I wasn't touching it. I didn't want anything to do with her directly.

It took me about 30 minutes to get to the house. I'd never been here alone, Billie had taken me every single time. But I was a big girl now. I opened the door and stepped in, Que's eyes flickered over to me and he raised an eyebrow.

"Why are you here? Everything okay?" He asked, genuine concern in his voice. Instead of relaxing, I got even more tense. I let my eyes take him in. He wasn't a bad looking guy at all. I sighed and closed the door,  sitting on the love seat in front of him.

"You still upset over me and Billie" He said, leaning back on the couch "It really was my fault, don't be too harsh"

I roll my shoulders and nod once "I'll decide how harsh to be"

"Yeah, okay" He says, his voice light "You crashing here?"

I shrug "I dunno"

"Okay" He says, going back to his phone. I hear the other guys moving around upstairs, and sigh.


"Baby" Billie says, startling me. I had been messing around on the phone Que gave me, checking my insta to see how old friends we're doing,  when Billie just vaporized from behind me or some shit.

"Hi?" I say, not pulling away when she starts to play with my hair. "I was looking for you all day, Quinn. You can't just wander off like that. Que texted me that you were over here and I almost cried" She laughs nervously "You scared me"

"I'm fine, Billie" I move away from her hand and hurt flashes through her eyes.

"White flower. Do you remember that nickname?" She whispers and I nod. She hums and looks away when somebody calls her name from upstairs.

I grab her wrist and pull her back towards me, staring it her intently.

"Promise me-" I say through clenched teeth, not wanting to forgive her but knowing I have to "-that you'll never, ever pull that shit again"

Billie looks me dead in the eyes and nods "I promise."

I let her go and watch her walk away, my mind racing. We'll see how the cards fall. If she cheats again, she cheats. I can't be in a relationship with her if I'm mad at her constantly. I'll forgive her this once, and if she does it again, I'll beat her ass.


I wrote "please keep this chapter short, stick to the fucking plot and take out the trash in the morning" In my planner regarding this chapter Lmaooo wtf?

I might update again today but it in the process of moving so I'm busy ash

• Chapters until St. Mary's end: 10

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