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As soon as we got to the house Que ran up to Billie, whispering in her ear. Billie pales and takes the gun from her waistband. "No fucking way" she mumbles, taking the safety off of it and pausing again, hey eyes on the floor as she listened to what he was saying.

"Stay here" She said once Que moved away, looking at me with wide eyes "Please, trust me. Stay here."

I nodded once and watched them run out of the house, leaving me alone. My heart pounded in my ears and I sat on the loveseat, going through my phone. Hours passed, the sky getting dark.

My phone was dead, the house was still.


The door slammed open and the entire gang rushed through the door. Billie slumped onto the floor instantly. Que bent down to help her but she screamed at him not to touch her. I ran up to Billie and took her face in my hands, wiping her tears.

"What happened, baby?" I whisper. Billie lifts up her bloodied shirt to reveal a cut, not too deep, but still pretty bad. She'd probably need stitches.

"Que was supposed to fucking defend me!" she cried, her voice breaking on 'defend'. "He was supposed to have my fucking back! He handed me over as soon as that asshole asked where I was at. I swear to god I'll kill you!" She shuddered, her eyes glossy. I hushed her and took the med kit one of the guys handed me.

"It's okay baby, calm down, focus on my voice" I said, trying to calm her sobbing. She was hurt and angry, not a good combination. I cleaned the wound and calmed her down enough so another guy could come in and give her stitches. I didn't know somebody knew how to do that here, but there's a guy for everything, I guess.

"I'm gonna kill him" Billie murmured into my chest quietly, her eyes closed as she was falling asleep "Im gonna shoot him in the kneecaps and slice his throat open and watch him bleed out onto the fucking floor. I swear to god, I'm gonna kill him"

Her words scared me a little, and I looked at Que, who was watching Billie with a guilty expression

"I'm going to kill him" She whispered again before falling asleep.


Gunshots woke me up. Billie wasn't beside me anymore. I looked up from over the couch to see Billie shooting at Que, who was hiding behind the kitchen island.

"Billie-" Que started

"You handed me over!" Billie growls "You just gave me to him and left! I could have died if Dice didn't come and get me out of there! How fucking dare you!"

"I was going to go get you-"

"Bullshit! I'm not your ex, I'm not your fucking friend, I'm your leader! You cross me and you get killed, rules are rules." Billie says before whistling, long and sharp.

Backup call.

Dice and three other guys ran to Billie, then looked at Que. Their expressions hardened and they grabbed him, holding him up although he struggled to get free.

"Bil, please" He begged, his eyes watery "You gotta believe me, I'd never put you in-"

He never got to finish his sentence. The bullet hit him right in the forehead. The guys let him go as soon as Que fell slack.

Billie closes her eyes and drops the gun, sinking to her knees and crying. She wasn't sad, she was angry. She'd been betrayed by a gang member. That's a slap in the face, and Billie didn't take those well.

The guys dragged Que's body out of the house and I stared at the door, at the trail of blood.

Que was gone.

"We're getting out of here" Billie said "And we're doing it today" she stood up and stormed out of the house. I followed, careful not to step on blood.

"What do you mean?" I asked once I caught up.

Billie climbed into the treehouse and stood up there for a few minutes, jumping down as soon as the treehouse caught on fire. She ignored me all the way until we got into her room, taking her phone off the charger and calling somebody.

"We're doing it, tonight." She said, pacing "Get your asses over here and help us set it up."


Chapter 30 of 32

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