Ch.2 Kaz's house

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Shine: Make sure you guys don't fa-!*  trips on a rock*


Shaya: *Whispered in Kaz's ear* Help her she would like it.

Shine: Ouch my left leg hurts..

Shine's leg hurts is because there were so many sticks and rocks. I know I'm  stupid!

Kaz: S-Shine do you want me to pick you up?

Shine: Y-y-yeah pretty p-p-p-please..

Kaz: Okay *Picks up Shine*

Shaya's Pov

They should be a couple because they are so cute together.

Kaz's Pov

Oh My God I'm holding Shine. S*&T! THAT F&^&ING FEELING!

Shine: Shaya, Kaz where are we?

Kaz: Wait we are at my house!

Shaya: Should we call the other that where at your house Kaz?

Shine + Kaz: Okay.

Shaya:*Calling Shimmer* Hey Shimmer Me, Shine, and Kaz are at Kaz's house so can you meet us here?

Shimmer:*On the phone* Okay Where be there in two minutes okay?

Shaya: Bye.

Shimmer: Bye!

Kaz: Sooooo what do we do now?

Shine: One I need to see if I didn't break  my leg.

Kaz: Okay. Shaya can you hold her until I open the door?

Shaya: Okay.

Kaz: *Opens the door* Okay I can have Shine back.

Shaya: Here.

Kaz's Pov

Why did the feeling came back now!

Shine: *Boops Kaz's nose* Got you Kaz!

Kaz: Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! *Falls down*

Shaya's Pov

I SHIP IT!!!!!!! Even though I just meet Kaz today. But he would be a good boy friend for Shine.

Shine: Okay I checked myself and I don't have a  broken leg.

Kaz: How can you tell that you have a broken leg?

Shine: Look Kaz I took medical class when I was 8 and still take medical class today.

Kaz: Okay. I'm just going to get something guys okay?

Shaya + Shine: Okay!

Shaya: Soooo Shine how did you, Kaz, and Shimmer became friends?

Shine: Well it's a long story...

Shine: But if you would like it hear it I can tell you!

Shaya: Okay sure!

Kaz's Pov

What are they talking about?

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