Ch. 6 Valentine's Day

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Kaz's Pov

Woke up apparently when I was crying I fell asleep. I felt something or someone on my chest when I looked to do it was Shine sleeping on me.

Shine: *Wakes up and looks at Kaz* Hoi, cookie! Why were you crying?

Kaz: *Lies* Because I miss my parents very much.....

Shine: I miss my parents too. *Hugs Kaz* At least we have each other!

Kaz: *Hugs Shine back* Yea, at least we have each other cupcake...

[Time skip to February 14, 2020]

Shine's Pov

I wake up, take a shower, brushing my hair and teeth, I put on a blue shirt and a teal top, I put my hair into a ponytail. Then I texted Kaz.

(Kaz and Shine are texting)

Shine: Hello cookie!

Kaz: Hey cupcake!

Shine: So are you ready to meet up at the wait where are we going again?

Kaz: We're going to the place where my mom took my dad on their first date.

Shine: I have a gift for you cookie!

Kaz: I do to cupcake!

Shine: What time are you going to meet up again?

Kaz: 5:00 am When the Zahramay sun rises.

Shine: Okay see you at 5:00 am!

(They stop texting)

Shine's Pov

It's 3:59 am I wake up at 4:00 am and Shimmer wakes up at 4:29 am I'm gonna leave now. I go outside it was dark. I have never been outside really early right now it's 4:19 am. What I'm I suppose to do when I met Kaz at 5:00 am? I should go for a walk. Hopefully, Zeta doesn't find me...

4:40 am

Shine's Pov

I'm walking back to Kaz's house it will take me 7 minutes or sooner or later to get there. I and Kaz haven't been hanging out as we used to when we were little. Honesty I miss Kaz's mom Britney she was so kind to me and my sister. She would buy something of me, Kaz, and of course Shimmer. She's was like a second mom to me and it felt like I was her daughter. I want to see her again but I can't because...

Shine: *crashes into someone and falls on the floor* AHH!

Kaz: *Looks at Shine takes out his hand to help Shine get up* Are you okay?

Shine:*grabs Kaz's hand* Hehe! Yea,..... I didn't see you...

Kaz: I didn't see you either until you crashed into me!

Shine: *scratches her neck* Hehe.. Sorry..

Kaz: *Blushes a little* It's okay.

Shine: It's 4:56 am we should get going if we want to see the sunrise!

Kaz: Don't worry I know I shortcut. Just follow me.

Shine: Okay Cookie!

4:59 am

Kaz See we're here and just in time the sun is rising!

Shine + Kaz: Wow! The sunrise is very beautiful, just like you!....

Kaz: *Blushes hard*I'M SOO SORRY I WAS TRYING TO SAY, MY MOTHER!!!! >///~\\\<


Shine: So let's keep looking at the sunrise.....?

Kaz: Here's your gift.

Shine: You do cookie?

Kaz: Yeah, I do cupcake. Here. *gives Shine a bag*

Kaz: Happy Valentine's day! Don't open it until you get home

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Kaz: Happy Valentine's day! Don't open it until you get home...

Shine: *Takes Kaz's gift* Awwwwww, thanks happy Valentine's day to you too. Okay, cookie!

Kaz's POV

I just gave Shine the gift! Ahhhhh!!!! We keep watching the sun rising. Hopefully, she likes it that's why I want her to open it at her home.

4 minutes later

Shine: Thanks Kaz for letting me see the sun rising and to see where your parents had their first date! It's very beautiful! Can we come here again?

Kaz: Your welcome! Sure we can come here again!

Shine: *gets up and starts walking away* Well I have to get going or Shimmer is going to think that I got killed or kidnapped by Zeta.

Kaz: Okay cupcake! *under his voice* Love you.....

Shine: *Turns her head around* Huh?

Kaz: *Turns his head* N-noting!

Shine: *Starts walking again* Okay, bye!

30 seconds later

Shine: *Opens her house door*

Shimmer: SHINE!!! *Runs up to Shine a hug her* I THOUGHT YOU WERE KILLED OR KIDNAPPED BY ZETA!!!!!!!!!!

Shine: *Hugs Shimmer back* Well I was not! Hehe!

Shimmer: Where were are you??

Shine: *Stops hugging Shimmer* I was with Kaz.

Shimmer: Where did you two go? And did he give you that bag?

Shine: First, yes he gave me this bag and we went to where his mom and dad had their first date.

Shimmer: Next time tell me when you go somewhere! *stops hugging Shine*

Shine: *Opens her bag that Kaz gave her and see* OM MY GENIE!!!!!

Shine: *Opens her bag that Kaz gave her and see* OM MY GENIE!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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