Ch.3 How we met Kaz

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(The art work is mine)

Shine: Shaya, this is how me and Shimmer met Kaz.

Kaz's Pov

Great! One minute before it's talk time the time I can draw in my notepad/ a drawing book. Two girls walk with there parent apology to Samira about how they were let because they couldn't fine the school. Maybe they can be my friends, my first friend... NO KAZ! they wouldn't want to be my friends because all of the other students hate me.. Samira is going to introduce them to us. yay....

Princess Samira: Okay, class it's talk time, but first let me introduce you to our new students! Shimmer and Shine!

Kaz: *raises his hand* Princess Samira?

Princess Samira: Yes Kaz?

Kaz: Who's Shine and who's Shimmer?

Princess Samira: That's a great question Kaz! Shine is the one with blue hair, and Shimmer is with the pink hair.

Kaz: Oh, okay.

Princess Samira: Shimmer? Shine? *points at Kaz* Please go sit right next to Kaz, he's the only boy with purple hair.

Kaz was the only boy with purple hair all of the other boy had red, white, black, blue, green and brown hair.

Shine: Okay! *walks over to Kaz's table & sat right next to him*

Shimmer: Ok Samira. *walk to Kaz's table and sat right next to Shine*

Kaz was in the middle of his drawing when Shine interrupted him.

Shine: Hi I'm Shine! What's yours name?

Kaz: (shyly says) umm.. My name is Kaz. Go talk to the other kids I'm a loser.....

Shine: WHAT?!?!? Your NOT a loser Kaz!

Kaz: Yes,yes I am... That's what the other kids said.....

Shine: You know what Kaz?

Kaz: What?

Shine: Don't BELIEVED what the other kids said about you! Just be you Kaz!

Shimmer: Yeah! Shine right! Don't bother what the other kids say about you! Just be you!

Kaz: I'll try to..

Shine: By the way your a good drawer Kaz!

Kaz: Thanks! I like you shirt Shine!

Shine: Thank you~ I like your shirt too Kaz!

Kaz: Thanks again.

Princess Samira: Okay, kids recess time!

The of the kids except Kaz: YAY!!!!! RECESS TIME!!!!!

All of the students except for Shimmer, Shine & Kaz ran out to recess.

Shine + Shimmer: *starts to walk to recess* Kaz? Are you coming?

Kaz: I don't like going to recess.....

Shimmer: Why Kaz? You don't like going outside?

Kaz: No! I like going outside, but recess where I get bullied...  it's gets physical...
They  punch and kick me....

Shimmer: Don't worry Kaz!

Shine: We can probably protect you!

Shimmer: And I can fight really good! Well for a girl..

Kaz: How good?

Shimmer: More powerful then a boy!

Kaz: Okay let's go!

Shine: That's the spirit! *hugs Kaz*

Kaz: *Blushing* Shine, can you please not hug me?

(This part is them walking to recess)

Shine: *Blushing* S-s-sorry! I forgot to ask you if I could hug you!

Kaz: *Blushing* I-i-i-it's O-o-o-okay S-s-s-shine.

Shimmer: Sis, I'm gonna tell mom and dad you have a crush!

Shine: *Blushing harder* I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH SHIMMER!!!!!!!!

Shimmer:  Kaz likes Shine! Shine likes Kaz!  Kaz likes Shine!  Shine likes Kaz!

Kaz: *Shove a cupcake in Shimmer's mouth* BE QUIET SHIMMER!!!!

Shine: YEAH, BE QUIET!!!!

One of the other kids named John came up to them and kicked Kaz out of the way so he could talk with Shine.

John: *Flirts with Shine* Hey, girl you looking good today~

Shine: KAZ!?!? ARE YOU OKAY!?!? *madly said* One, your flirting is terrible and two, *kicks John in his private parts* That's what you get for kicking my friend!

John: Why be friends with that loser?!?!?



When  John and Shimmer started to fight Shine ran over to Kaz.

Shine: KAZ! Are you Okay?!

Kaz: *Crys* No. When John kicked me out was in my leg.....

Shine: I know who can help us!

Kaz: *still crying* Who?

Shine: *Uses her magic to make a toy cat come* This is Mr. or Mrs. Potatoes!

Kaz: Why is it Mr. Or Mrs. potatoes? To me it looks like a boy.

Shine: Because..What if it's a boy that wants to be a girl! Or a girl that wants to be a boy!

Kaz: I guess your right..

I'm going to leave it off here the next chapter is part two of this chapter!

Shimmer & Shine: The Shy And The Brave (Kaz x Shine)Where stories live. Discover now