Jealousy & Misery

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Heyo! So this is the first imagine going on here, it'll probably be really bad but (I'm hoping) my writing will get better as I progress. Woods may be out of character due to the fact that I'm only assuming how he would act if he was jealous so yeah! I hope you enjoy and this was requested by DeviousRabbit so thank you very much for that!
Prompts: Just talk to me. Please. & I love you, okay? You're the one that I love.
Warnings?: None really, swearing, fluffiness, self esteem issues, really bad writing sksk
You had moved to L.A. around 2 years ago, at the age of 19, now you're 21. Working at your dream job and dating the most amazing guy. You guys had been going strong up until a few weeks ago. You couldn't figure out why he was so upset, and you had tried to get him to talk to you but he'd just ignore you and give you the silent treatment. Your best friends Sam and Røze just told you he was probably dealing with his own issues and didn't want to drag you into them. Which you understood but, you guys had been dating for a few months, he would trust you with things, right?

And he did, there was no way in hell that Woodland didn't trust you. He did. But the problem was that he didn't trust other people, and with the constant voice nagging at him that you were too good for him, it only added to the mix of insecurities. Now, he knew you'd never cheat, you were too good for that. So he wasn't sure why all of the sudden the fact that you hung out with Gunner and Tanner so much (due to the fact that you've known them since childhood) would start to bother him now. And you were on a channel with them, it was expected of you to be close to all of them, seeing as you worked so long in their proximity. But it'd never been that much of an issue until the other week when Gunner mentioned the fact that he'd had a crush on you in like 3rd grade. You had only laughed and told him he should've liked you because of the fact that you were a cute kid.

And let's be honest, you hadn't meant to offend Woods with it. You and Gunner were kids, and nothing ever happened between you two. You saw him as an older brother nowadays, same with Tanner. It never really hit you that Woods could be jealous, I mean, you were with him because you liked him- scratch that- you love him. But neither of you had said the L word yet. And the way it slipped out of your mouth was not the way you had wanted it to go.
"I just don't get why you're so mad at me so suddenly? We were fine a month ago and then you suddenly started avoiding me. If you don't like me anymore, it's fine, but at least have the balls to say it and not beat around the bush until I get the message." Your words were a lot harshed than you'd intended. You weren't mad, if anything, you were hurt. And you couldn't shut out the voice in your head that kept telling you that you had fucked shit up.

"Wha- no no no. I'm not-" He took in a deep breath before groaning, looking anywhere but at you because of two reasons, he felt like shit for hurting you and making you feel like he'd lost interest and two, he was embarrassed to say the least. "I'm not mad at you. And I'm not breaking up with you, I wasn't avoiding you to get you off my back or to get you to break up with me. Which now that I think of it would've probably happened if you didn't have the patience to deal with my sorry ass." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he glanced at you, quickly taking in all of your features. You looked like a mess, and something inside of him told him that it was his fault. Which only made the guilt settle in more.

"Then what's been going on? Just talk to me, please." Your (e/c) eyes burned into his, making a lump form in his throat from how guilty he felt as he genuinely took in the amount of pain and hurt that was only there because of him.

Taking a deep breath, he sat himself on the table, leaving you standing and almost level to him. "The other day, Gunner said something about having had a crush on you when you were younger. And you just laughed and shrugged it off. I mean, it wasn't a big deal, and I know you aren't the type of person to make a big scene in order to prevent any embarrassment or hard feelings. I guess I just, dunno, you hang out with him a lot and sometimes I wonder if he feels the same way he did when you were younger. It's stupid, and I don't know whether I was jealous or just an insecure asshole- probably both but it reminded me how much more you deserve. And the fact that someone else could give you those things just, throws me off I guess. And I trust you, so it's not like I think you'd cheat on me. And Gunner's one of my closest friends so I know he wouldn't try anything. But I know I wouldn't be able to stop you from falling for him. Especially if he makes you happy." There were pauses throughout his speech, almost as if he was calculating how mad you were going to be or how you would find it stupid and tell him he's an idiot.

But you didn't, instead, you walked up to him and stood between his legs, placing both your hands on his cheeks to make sure he'd look at you. "It's not stupid. You have no idea how many times I've felt that way when looking at Sam, or Røze, and she's married." You gave a soft laugh at yourself, shaking your head before continuing. "I only laughed it off because Gunner and I have been friends since childhood. And we've always been like siblings so it was just a funny thing to imagine. I've never seen him as anything more than just a best friend. I love you, okay? You're the only one that I love." And then you froze, and so did he. Neither of you expected it, you were just too in the moment to stop yourself and now there was an eerie silence. "I'm sorry I did-" You were cut off by his lips pressing against yours. It wasn't the fairytale perfect kiss but, it was yours. And in your opinion, no amount of perfect kisses could amount to Woodland's perfection.

When he pulled away, you had almost whined, but he rested his forehead against yours and pulled you closer by the waist. "I love you, too."
Word count: 1.190
Well! That was the first chapter! I hope you guys enjoy it! I promise I'll try and get better as time goes on but ya know, practice makes perfect. Also, I love Woodland DeMars.

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