Incredible Muslim Men & Women (Pt. 1)

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Some incredible Muslim men and women that you definitely need to know about.

 Most of them are ordinary people, not celebrities that you're likely to see in TV or movies. 

1. Mohamad Bzeek 

A Libyan immigrant currently residing in Los Angeles, California, this incredible Muslim man has chosen to do something very few of us would have ever agreed to–being the sole caretaker of terminally ill children. His story is quite beautiful yet emotional, because along with being a caretaker, Bzeek is also battling cancer and has recently dealt with the loss of his wife. Despite these tragedies, he remains loving and caring towards his foster children, and is just a kind and compassionate human being overall.

Islam places a strong emphasis on caring for orphans and children, and dealing with hardships with patience and humility, and Bzeek does exactly that. No doubt, he serves as a wonderful model for other Muslims and just human beings in general. May Allah be pleased with him.

2. Ahmed Serhani

The Prophet (S)  said that a simple act of kindness, even so much as smiling at another person,  could earn you tremendous reward from God, and this Muslim brother right here is a perfect example of what it means to follow the sunnah of our beloved Prophet.

Ahmed Serhani works as a bus driver in London. Every day he welcomes passengers, most of whom are complete strangers to him, with a big bright smile on his face. His cheerful and outgoing personality earned him a lot of popularity in not just the UK, but around the world. Look him up on YouTube. I promise it will make your day.  


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3. Amaiyah Zafar

This teenaged boxer dreamed of fighting for the Chamionship belt, and did everything possible to make that dream come true. She trained long and hard like any competitor would, all the while staying true to her religion and sporting the hijab. 


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