Plot Synopsis:
Brad the Hedgehog has found himself in a world devoid of any people. He is all alone, but it only seems that way. An evil being decides to pay Brad a visit and to keep him busy. Brad tries to figure out how to survive this empty world, avoiding the evil as well as his own sadness...
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My mind is muddled. It can't handle so much in so little time... The balancing act that is life can be painful, if given the chance to be. Living in a world of anxiety and cruelty, seemingly staying persistent with each passing hour. A second life can only do so much for one person... Leaving reality to binge on the unrealistic morsels known as entertainment. Interaction on a level unlike others, often seen as inferior to the more traditional methods. Losing an aspect of humanity all for some measly escape from your true life, all spoken by the realists not engulfed by this mirage of peace and tranquility in solitude. What would you choose? More happiness and composure at the cost of more susceptibility to dark forces that eat away your soul each and every day, or grounded in reality dealing with the hardships of life with little to feel happy about even though this is what everyone else believes is right?
Every time I'm reminded, my reaction is the same... I only wish to have the ability to love and cherish both. I'm too far one way that it's a long and arduous uphill battle to join the others at the top of society. My mouth can't muster the ability to speak when it matters most, thus every word, every thought, good or bad, stays in my head, likely to never be heard by anyone in the world but myself... I envy the ones who spout out theirs lines each time they come into contact with anyone. They're fearless compared to ones like me... I spend minutes of my time to actually think about my words, and possibly hours, or even days, just to say it to someone who may or may not show even the most minuscule amount of care to me, something I feel like I need in desperation. Even the ones closest to me, they don't expect me to be as sad as I do. Assumptions keep them from saying anything of concern to me. Not a word spoken about me, nothing from anyone I love, nothing from the ones I hold closest to my heart as if my skin was merely an illusion that never existed. My heart burns in a depressive darkness that needs the urgent care of a pure soul to cleanse it. I'm the one who needs to take that step towards tranquility, but I never do...
The way I lived, I couldn't ever get the courage to do the acts that I wanted to. I secluded myself and closed off any door left unturned. I was too afraid of any dangers that were not definite, but still probable. Unpredictability, insecurity, it all added up to the person I am now: a nice, passionate soul too afraid to express it to anyone in reality willing to take it. It's a sad, torturous way to live... This is all I could think about, when I finally woke up and saw him...
My slumber comes to a close as I wake up, seemingly in a large, empty building. It doesn't look familiar to me in the slightest. My nerves grow. I stand up and look down the long, lifeless hallway that I reside in. "Hello?" Nothing... Nobody answers me. Reluctance and anxiety fills my body. I begin to walk with a cautious strut. I continue as I notice the walls lack any doors, or anything for that matter. This is all feels ominous and peculiar. My eyes finally come into contact with a door. It's completely white, just like the walls, although the door handle is black. After a good minute, I reach the door. My hand rests on the handle and I slowly open it.
The sun shines fiercely in my face. I shield my eyes. I slowly lower my hands to see the world upon me. I'm in a huge open field with no trees. It contains nothing but tall grass and an occasional daisy every few feet. I walk forward, unsure of where I even am in the world. I glance around in confusion and I find that the door I came out of is gone. It vanished, along with the whole hallway I was in... Now I feel scared... "Hello? Anyone?" Still no answer... With nothing else happening, my attention is directed towards a stray daisy planted in the ground. It looks so small and delicate. It's white petals are shimmering in the sunlight. I slowly reach out to pluck it out of the ground. I lightly tug it out and hold it up, outwards in front of my face. I smirk slightly. It's a small, miniscule thing, but I can't help but be attracted to it's beauty. I can smell a faint aroma. I can only compare it to something like fresh laundry. I hardly see the beauty in the small things in life, yet this felt different. I couldn't explain it to myself... I raise my other hand towards it before it's life is drained away. The stem grows a nasty purplish black and rushes up to the petals, which also turn black. I release the seemingly cursed flower. It daintily falls onto the lush grass, retaining the same creepy coloring. I then notice the other daisies quickly turn into the same color as if some demon has taken the life from them all... I look on in horror. My heart stops when his voice is spoken.
Sonic the Hedgehog Anthology
Historia CortaThis is a collection of smaller, individual stories I have made. None of these stories intertwine with each other, they're all separate. I simply post them here to keep my profile organized and not flooding with a ton of one part stories. Brief desc...