Kensington Market. GOFLB 1

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You could finally relax for the day because you had a break from the tiring, exhausting classes you had In college  and you decided to use your free time to go out on the streets of London to look around the  stalls in Kensington Market.                                                                                              You've heard about how popular it is and it being the season of summer you knew that it was going to be filled with people all looking for trendy clothing for the warm summer days ahead.

 put on your platform shoes almost tripping over in the process because of the rush you were in to get to the market before it would be  swarming with customers. lastly looking into the mirror by your door to quickly fix any last minute flaws you walk out of your dorm room and head onto the streets of London to wait at the nearest bus stop.

it didn't take long for you to arrive at Kensington market since it wasn't a far away drive from where the dormitory was. And to your surprise there wasn't as much people there as you thought there would be well at least not too much so you could actually walk properly without having to apologize every five seconds for bumping into a passer by.  

 Many stalls stood by you  as you walked past. You didn't have any interest in the clothes they were selling and you walked past majority of the market already. "maybe I should call it a day" you thought to yourself. Although you were disappointed in yourself because the one day you're free of the long boring classes in college you've pretty much wasted it walking around for hours and getting nothing but sore legs so may as well check out the few remaining stalls I mean what have I got to lose you thought. as you walked up you came upon a stall that had mostly pieces of clothing displayed.  

near the front of the stall were all the accessories. a gleaming metal bangle had caught your eye. you loved it but there wasn't a stall owner in sight. you leaned forward trying to look inside the stall for anyone except it was too dark and the accumulation of clothing was blocking your sight to try get a look at the back. that's when you heard a sudden crash followed by a raspy voice  "oh fucking hell!"                                                                                                                                                                    you stood there with furrowed brows in concern but also in confusion. 

"uhh hello?" you stood waiting for an answer until you saw a guy with shoulder length blonde  hair walk out through the hanged clothing. you jumped back out of shock and then looked at him for awhile he was so attractive you couldn't help but stare.

"sorry dear, didn't mean to scare you" he said with a small laugh looking at your startled face. you stood there embarrassed and slightly annoyed he had laughed at you. 

*this is the outfit Roger's wearing. I didn't wanna put an image since they're huge but I didn't know how I'm even meant to describe it*

 I didn't wanna put an image since they're huge but I didn't know how I'm even meant to describe it*

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Roger Taylor x Reader 𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔬𝔩' 𝔣𝔞𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔬𝔶Where stories live. Discover now