Spring Festival

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"Zan! Did ya hear that?" Hana throws a piece of toast at me from across the table.
"What?" I look up from the book I'm reading.
"The Spring Festival is tonight." She grins.
"Is it gonna get warmer out?" I wonder, somewhat uneasy about the idea.
"Yes but apparently not as much as in your world, in your measure our warmest season won't get above 68 if that." Jasvinder smiles. "Hana brought a thermometer."
"I couldn't help it, Trevor would be geeking out and i guess i kinda want to be able to tell him about it sometime." Hana admits sheepishly.
"Anyways," Jasvinder continues, resting nir hand on Hana's, "the festival is fun and beautiful and we'll have a bunch of activities. We'll light candles for wandering Echoes and tired Gan, play some Schnick-
"What's that?" I wonder.
"Echoes are ghosts, Gan are like angels, demons, other spirit things, and Schnick is this game where... um, the players ski or snowboard down a hill or mountain and along the way are balls and goals." Hana explains. "Right?"
"More or less." Jasvinder smiles and gently squeezes her hand. "There's food, drink, art contests. Spring is west, water, prosperity so that's the general focus."
"I dunno..." I mutter, glancing back at the word filled page, it sounds like a big social event.
"PLEEEAASSEEE!" Hana pressures, giving me a sad look. "It'll be fun and... fine, i promise if ya come I'll leave ya alone for a month."
"Hmm." I consider it.
I haven't told Hana that the healers are concerned for my health, though i feel better here and they're taking it as a positive sign I'm still having trouble and they can't be sure I'll live more than a year. Not wanting to worry anyone, I've kept it to myself for the time being. Maybe i should get out and see these kind of things while i can, just in case.
"Ok," I decide. "I'll go."
"Great!" Hana grins. "This'll be so much fun!"


"Quite a party, huh, Whimsy?" The Dog barks and waves their fluffy tail.
A few people glance at us, and those like us, some with kindness and others with sympathy. There's lights and games, so many sounds including laughter. It's a beautiful place. We wander around for a little while, eventually following the string of candles to the outlook over the sea.
"Just have a sip." I see Hana telling Zan as they sit under the stars.
"I dunno..."
"This Glimmer stuff isn't like that Glow they were selling back home, i had some." Hana argues.
"Hana." I whisper and she turns her head with a gasp.
"Hed?" She asks and i nod.
"What?" Zan wonders, looking around in confusion. Whimsy whines, sadly.
"Drink it, Zan!" Hana commands.
"Ok, gee." The drink gets passed over and reluctantly taken.
"Hi, Dummy." I joke and watch my friend's eyes widen in shock.
"Hed..." Tears shine in the candlelight. "Whimsy."
The Dog barks and bounces playfully. I look off to the side and spot the new Monarch with a couple other spirits.
"Hed... I- I'm so sorry." Zan sniffs.
"For what?" I wonder.
"For not being there... for the-"
"It's ok, both of ya, you're my best friends, the best i could ask for." I shake my head and smile at them.
Breaking down, the two sob and weep. I wish i could comfort them but this is the most i can do. Whimsy tries to snuggle up to them but when Zan reaches out a hand it goes right through.
"Can ya stay?" Hana chokes out, wiping her tears.
"No," I sigh, "Whimsy and i need to move on..."
They nod sadly.
"We miss ya." Zan tells me.
"We love ya." Hanna adds.
"I know, we both know," I say glancing at Whimsy. "live your best lives and don't worry, we'll see each other again someday... Thank you."
I call Whimsy and we both float out over the Sea. The light behind us grows dimmer, the water and sky blending together. There's rest and renewal waiting just on the other side of this surreal landscape.

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