Texting(or real life) 20

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"Usually?" You said.

"It's only dangerous if the person has sleepwalking problems, he doesn't have sleep walking problems does he?" the doctor said.

Yoongi's eyes widened. "I think he does," he said, scared.

"What do you mean Yoongi hyung!? How do you know!?" Namjoon yelped.

"There was one time I got out of bed at midnight to go to the bathroom, then I walked past Jin hyung's room and he scared the hell out of me. He was standing in front of the door like a gh-" Yoongi was cut of as Jin suddenly sat up, wide-eyed, but his eyes glossy. 

"Jin hyung?!" Taehyung cried. Jin hyung starting to breath heavily and sweat. Jimin approached Jin. "Don't bother him! He's still asleep! You can tell by his dilated pupils!" the doctor cried out.

Jin looked so frightened, everyone looked scared. "He might start sleepwalking so-" the doctor was cut off as Jin suddenly jumped out of bed. "Jin? This is Hitman Bang, 'Yo, Hitman Bang'?" Hitman Bang said as Jin looked around with a terrified face.

Jin walked around slowly, scaring Jungkook, who snuggled his face into Jimin's chest. Jin screamed loudly, and ran towards the ward door. "Stop him! Don't let him out!" the doctor cried out. Jin threw open the door and ran out. The rest of the Bangtan Boys ran after him.

Jin knocked over a few vases and patients before Jimin and Namjoon grabbed him. "Jin hyung, calm down, evrything is okay....." Namjoon said.

Jin yelled in fear and threw Jimin and Namjoon off him. "Be careful! Usually a person with night terrors is inconsoble and have violent behaviour when restrainted! Usually it only lasts a few minutes, why is it lastly so long for him!?" the doctor yelled. 

Jin grabbed a sharp syringe from the nurse's table and everyone backed away from him. Jin yelled again. "JIN STOP!" you yelled.

Jin stared at you and lowered the syringe. Then he passed out on the floor.


JamsJamsJams: DimSum you're home already right?

You: Yes, is Jin okay?

JamsJamsJams: He just fell asleep, nothing's wrong.

JamsJamsJams: OH MY! Jin hyung is awake! He doesn't remember anything from just now! Talk to you later!

You: Can I come over? Even though I just went back?                        read

(A/N: Are any of you suffering from night terrors? If so, then you'll get past the phase in your teen years, fighting!)

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