CHAPTER 14 ; back to JAKARTA

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"ayo buruan, pesawat nya berangkat satu jam lagi" ucap angga histeris. "lah terus kenapa? Kan masih satu jam lagi, nyantai aja gaes!" ucap shinta santai. "heh kembaran onta, lo kira jalan punya nenek moyang lo apa? Seenaknya aje lo, setidak nya kita udah tenang kalau udah nyampe di bandara nya ogeb" ucap brian panjang kali lebar kali tinggi bagi dua tambah satu.

"ah bodo amat, wlee!!" ledek shinta.

Five minutes later..

"dah siap, kuy lah kita capciuss!!!" ajak sherly. "yok cabutt" ucap gafa.

Sesampai nya di bandara john f. Kennedy mereka langsung masuk ke resto terdekat dari tempat check in. Karena tadi mereka belum sempat sarapan.

'what do you want to order?' ucap salah satu pelayan resto tersebut sambil tersenyum kepada mereka.

"lo mau pesen apa woy katanya" ucap sherly. "gue nasi goreng mie deh" ucap putri. "gue ayam bagian sayap" ucap shinta. "gue mie rica rica aja" ucap gafa. "gue sama kea lo deh sher" ucap brian. "oke, minum nya samain aja ya, jus jeruk" tanya sherly. "yaudah" jawab mereka serempak.

"eum oke sist, i want one friedrice noodle, one chicken wing, one rica rica noodle, and two spicy wigs and drinks it is six orange juice" ucap sherly.

"oke, please waiting for the fifteen minutes" ucap pelayan tersebut.

"alright" ucap sherly.

Fifteen minutes later..

Pesanan datang, dan semua nya menatap dengan tatapan ingin langsung melahap nya saking kelaparannya.

'excuse me, this is the food" ucap pelayan itu.

"thank you sist" ucap shinta sambil tersenyum dan di balas dengan senyuman juga.

Setelah semua nya selesai melahap makanan nya masing masing, mereka pun bergegas menuju lobby untuk check in karena ini sudah waktu keberangkatannya. Dan langsung naik ke atas pesawat.

Good morning everyone📢
Dear passengers, we beg your attention for a moment! In accordance with civil aviation safety regulations we must demonstrate to you how to use seat belts, oxygen masks, emergency doors and windows, life jackets, and safety cards.

This time should your seatbelt has been installed, we need to show you how to lock it, tighten, and release your seat belt. If the air pressure in the cabin is reduced suddenly, the oxygen mask will be out of place so affordable, with a strong pull toward your oxygen mask, cap in the mouth and nose, hook the rubber in the head, and breathe as usual.

For passengers who bring children, it is recommended to wear masks first, then wear a mask on your child. The Boeing B747 is equipped with eight emergency doors and windows, two emergency exits in the front cabin, four emergency windows in the center, and two emergency exits in the rear cabin.

Life jacket your are under the seat and is only used during emergency landing on water, we bagto not take home.

How to use the life jacket wear it on neck, then buttoned up and tigh fasten and tighten.

To develop a life jacket so hard pull both end of the red, can also be developed with a second blow rubber tubing. The light will be it, if the battery is disconnected and the battery plug submerged. Lifebelt was developed just before you exit through the emergency door and windows.

Furthermore, in the seat pocket in front of you has available cards instruction on ways to escape in an emergency. We beg you to read it carefully before the plane takes off!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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