Save Me

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Taehyung had found a giggly ditz with a great body, his favorite for a one-night stand. They were easy to please. Her arms were around his neck as he ground his hips on hers. Now if she would just shut up already, he didn't care about her stupid dog...

His eyes drifted to the woman in burgundy again and he looked away quickly. He hadn't been caught yet but that wasn't his fault. No matter how hard he tried it was difficult to keep his eyes off her. Right now she was dancing by herself, not looking like she minded it one bit. He could see her partner at the edge of the room, speaking on the phone. How rude. He was staring again but before he could look away...

He groaned internally. Byung-ho had walked up to her. Taehyung intensely disliked few people but that runt was one of them. He was spoiled and pushy and thought that because he looked good he could just do what he wanted. Taehyung knew that he himself was a bit of a womanizer but every woman he was involved with knew what they were getting into, he made sure of it. He had heard some...less than gentlemanly things about Byung-ho.

The woman was obviously not impressed by Byung-ho's swagger. She looked for her partner and he could see her face fall slightly when she saw he was on the phone. She shook her head at something Byung-ho said and her face clouded as he grabbed her wrist. Taehyung saw her clench her jaw and quickly untangled his partner's arms from around his neck.

"Be right back, baby girl." He could hear her whining but his legs were long and the music was loud.

"Is there a problem?" He asked, walking up to the two. The woman looked him up and down warily.

"No, no problem. Go back to your whore." Byung-ho made a shooing motion at Taehyung, annoyance in his eyes. The woman's eyes widened and she got an 'are you serious' look on her face.

"If she's a whore what does that make you?" She asked icily, ripping her wrist out of Byung-ho's grasp. Taehyung was impressed with how quickly she shot back. "Excuse me." She turned to leave and stepped away but Byung-ho's hand shot out and grabbed her again, pulling her back and sliding an arm around her waist.

"Not so fast, baby. I've heard some things about you and I just want to explore..." His cooing voice made Taehyung want to gag. "Taehyung, you can go." Like Taehyung would do anything Byung-ho told him to do. He opened his mouth to tell him to stop but instead just left it hanging open at what happened.

"Oh, you mean things like this?" Her knee came up and her sharp heel came down hard on Byung-ho's foot. He yelped as she dug it in and Taehyung winced. She could quite possibly just have broken, and had definitely bruised, his foot. Byung-ho just held on tighter.

"You fucking bitch..." Before he could do anything further Taehyung was forcibly wrenching his hand off of her and pulling him back.

"Get lost." He didn't say anything else, the look in his eyes made Byung-ho back down. There had only been one time when they'd physically fought but Byung-ho had emerged the loser. Something that had only increased his enmity for Taehyung.

"Don't think this is the end of this." He snarled at her, before limping away. Taehyung took a deep breath before turning to her, the woman he'd been trying not to stare at all night.

"Are you okay?" She was rubbing her wrist and had a look of weariness.

"Yeah. Thank you." She bowed her head slightly and stepped back, headed off the dance floor. Taehyung didn't say anything but followed, then stepped ahead of her. He knew where she was heading without having to ask. He had to excuse himself a couple of times to get around groups of people but he cleared a pathway right to the man she'd come with, who was just hanging up his phone. He took one look at her, observing her face.

"Oh, no."

"Oh, yes." She hissed, looking like she was considering going back and smashing Byung-ho's face in. Taehyung wouldn't have minded if she did.

"I'm sorry. Every single, damn time..." He wasn't sure what they were talking about but she cut him off and placed her hand on his arm.

"Ryung-ssi, just take me home please."

"Yes, ma'am." For the first time he noticed Taehyung and quickly bowed.

"Mr. Kim, sir. An honor."

"I'm sorry this had to cut your time short." Taehyung said smoothly. Ryung shrugged.

"Honestly, that's how she prefers it."

"Yes, Ryung-ssi let's advertise how much I hate these things. Gossip never gets around." She said dryly. Her wit was quick but she looked exhausted and was leaning on him for support.

"If you'll excuse me, I have someone to get back to."

"Thank you again, see you tomorrow." Tomorrow? Taehyung wasn't sure he had heard right as he walked away, trying to find his one-night stand. Hopefully she wasn't too pissed. Because he wasn't Byung-ho and he didn't force things.

He quickly forgot about Ryung's statement.


Ryung waited till Taehyung walked away before profusely apologizing again. She waved him off and rested her head on his shoulder.

"It's okay. Stuff happens. Did the call go well?"

"Yes. I'll fill you in on the details tomorrow, after we meet him."

"Meet who?"

"That guy." She frowned and looked up at him.

"Bwa?" He stared at her.

"You don't know who that was?"

"A semi-decent human being?"

"That was Kim Taehyung." She looked him exasperatedly.

"So? Who's that?"

"He's the leader of Kim Enterprises." Ah, that name she recognized.

"Oooooooh...." Ryung opened his mouth to tease her but she stopped him with a look.

"Remember, things like this are why you have a job."

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