Be My Date

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She felt like she'd been weak at that party so she threw herself into work at her company, needing to keep a tighter leash now that Ryung wasn't there. She didn't want to think about it. She'd lived without her assistant once, she could do so again.

Taehyung did the same. He had people hired to handle this new expansion so he didn't need to worry about it and could focus on his other projects. And he figured if anything went wrong Y/N would call.

She had an interview with a prominent business magazine, highlighting her successes. He felt proud. She was finally getting the credit she deserved.


"Jinsoo's getting married, did you hear?" Trust Jin to have his pulse on the latest gossip. Taehyung took a bite of his sandwich and shook his head.

"That's why you're my friend, so I don't have to pay attention to those things. You tell me." He said after swallowing. They were grabbing a quick lunch before heading back to their respective offices. "Well good for her. She was always sweet. Who's the guy she's marrying?"

"Some French businessman." Taehyung nodded approvingly. "Call up one of your old hookups, we'll all get an invitation." Taehyung bit the inside of his cheek. His old flings, and the new ones, didn't have the same appeal to him anymore. He wasn't sure what was wrong with him but nowadays he just felt exhausted by the prospect of chatting up some airhead to get into her pants.

There was only one person he'd want to go to the wedding with. If he was honest. And it wasn't Jimin. They'd already done that once, scandalized everyone in a ten-mile radius. They'd been laughing for months afterward.

He delayed going to his office after lunch and set off at a brisk pace towards the subway. He wanted to do this before he lost his courage.


"She's not in right now."

"Oh." One of Y/N's assistants looked Taehyung up and down. "When will she be back?" The assistant shrugged.

"She hasn't been very communicative."

"Can you ask her?"

"Like I said..." Taehyung was starting to not like this guy. He pulled out his phone and dialed her number.

"Yeah?" She picked up on the third ring. She sounded slightly annoyed. He knew she didn't like talking, only texting. But he was annoyed too.

"When are you coming back to your office?"


"Because I'm waiting for you."

"Okay..." Now she sounded even more annoyed. "I have one more errand and then I was coming back."

"Okay, I'll wait." Taehyung hung up. "I'll be in her office." He didn't ask for permission or wait for disagreement.

When Y/N walked in she didn't look happy. Taehyung had his feet propped up on her desk and she swatted them when she walked by.

"You do it all the time." He grumbled, just for the sake of being difficult. She gave him a look and sat down in her chair.

"What was so damn important I had to rush back here." She asked, shaking her computer out of hibernation.

"You didn't have to rush, I was fine with waiting. Obviously." Taehyung didn't know why he was being like this all of a sudden. Especially considering that he was here to ask a favor. There was a pause. "I don't like your new assistant."

"Yeah, that one's kind of annoying. Not sure what Ryung saw in him. Bit of an asshole. Kinda like you are being right now." She looked at him sharply and he nodded in acknowledgement, finally taking his feet off the desk.

"Sorry, I don't know why...I think the guy out there just annoyed me."

"Welcome to my world." She didn't sound very sympathetic. "Now..." She opened a program. "...what's up?" He sat up straighter.

"I haven't seen you in a while and I wanted to check in and see how you were doing."

"I didn't realize you'd become my nanny." Nope, she wasn't forgiving him. He sighed.

"I have a...favor, I guess. A favor to ask of you."

"Favor?" Her face softened slightly.

"Well, for you it's a favor." She ran her fingers through her hair, waiting for him to continue. He clasped his hands in front of him and leaned forward, swallowing. It was important to him. He wasn't sure entirely why yet, but it was important to him that it be her. "I have a friend that's getting married. I was wondering if you'd come with me." Her fingers froze halfway through running them through her hair again. Uh-oh, she seemed to be getting the wrong idea...

"Don't do that." He said sharply.

"Do what?" Her voice was quiet. Dangerous.

"Shut down and assume the worst."

"What else am I supposed to assume?" Still quiet.

"Oh, I don't know, that your friend wants some intelligent conversation during the reception and you were the first person who came to mind." Yeah, that was it. That was the only reason. That's why it had to be her. At least, that's what he told himself. She thought over his words for a second then let her hand drop.

"Yeah...I guess we are friends." Still quiet, but more thoughtful this time.

"You don't sound confident." She shook herself and raised her eyebrow at him.

"Taehyung-ssi. I either employ, assault, or fuck men. Having one as a friend is..." Her voice trailed off.

"New territory?"

"Yeah. I guess." He stood up.

"You know I have your back. Don't worry. I got you." She didn't say anything. Just looked at him. After an awkward pause he motioned towards the door.

"I'll see myself out."

Welp, that hadn't gone how he'd planned.

She stared at the door long after he left. Those words...they'd been said before. And she had learned the hard way that you didn't believe someone who said those words. Especially a man.


She still texted him that night. She'd come.

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