Right to Privacy

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TW: hints at rape

"I feel like we don't see each other for weeks and now all of a sudden I'll probably see you at every event."

"Oh, you mean the house party next week?" He nodded as they settled into their seats.

"Yes. And the government function." She grinned.

"I can't believe it." She half-whispered, mostly to herself. But he couldn't help but smile when hers was so infectious. "I can't believe that...I mean even the government is acknowledging our work..."

"Your work. You built the program. The structure. I just gave you resources to expand what you already had."

"I'm glad we worked it out." He knew she didn't just mean the contract.

He tried to keep his eyes on the wedding but he couldn't help sneaking glances at her during. As usual she was dressed to the nines. Her hair had gotten a little longer since he'd first met her. She was relaxed. And that made him glad. He was glad that she felt like that with him.


The reception tables seated eight with Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, and Jin at one with their respective dates. Everyone was digging into their food, a few people occasionally banged on glasses to see the bride and groom kiss.

"So archaic." Y/N had grumbled. But she still clapped. At that particular moment, she and Yoongi were having a discussion about transparency in the digital age. She was referencing some philosopher he'd never heard of, a Byun Chul Han, and Yoongi was...well, his business was exploiting secrets so he had a thing or two to say on the matter.

"Not being transparent just gives people like me more tools to wield."

"In the commonly understood definition of transparency, yes.  Humans in general have a fear of being forgotten and in a way we're creating our own memorials and death masks by our attempts at his transparency. Only throughout our lives." She had popped food into her mouth, leaving everyone slightly dumbfounded. Death masks?  

"But what's the point of being remembered if it's as a shallow image of what you could've been?"

"And what's the point of having it if someone like you can come along and exploit it? Aren't we just handing you a weapon to stab us with?" Yoongi had smirked at her pointed questions. His date looked bored.

"Yes, so please continue to do so." Taehyung felt a little left out of the conversation and subtly pouted a little. He liked his privacy. He didn't like cameras being shoved in his face. He looked up to see both Jimin and Jin eyeing him with raised eyebrows. What? He mouthed. Both exchanged looks and then looked away. But he kept catching them stealing looks at him throughout the conversation.

And they weren't the only ones.

At a table at the other end of the room two dark eyes were narrowly watching Taehyung's table. And one particular person at it.


Y/N felt pleasantly buzzed as she made her way to the bathroom. It wasn't just the alcohol, she had enjoyed the discussion earlier. She was mentally calculating how long she should stay back here to avoid the throwing of the bouquet, such a stupid practice, and the throwing of the garter when she felt a hand slide over her mouth and she was roughly pulled back.

She was in a dark room, she couldn't see who had grabbed her, but she knew what to do.

Or she would've if there hadn't been more than one assailant. Her mouth was still covered when she tried to yell. She tried to shove and punch but she was slammed up against the wall and felt something sticky being wrapped around her wrists. Duct tape. Panic.

She threw her head back and head-butted the person, man, holding her. There was a yelp and she tried to scramble towards where she thought the door might be but a heavy body shoved her to the ground, landing on top of her. She couldn't breathe, the wind was knocked out of her chest and duct tape was slapped across her mouth. Idiot, she should've screamed, she should've screamed...

"Well this definitely makes things easier." Her head snapped up. That voice sounded familiar. But she couldn't place it. The man on her back was straddling her as she felt his fingers run down the bare back of her pantsuit. She shivered. And bucked, trying to get him off her.

She heard him laugh and felt breath on her ear.

"All that does is make me want you more." No. No, no, no, this was not happening. This couldn't happen, she wouldn't let it, she had to fight...

But she was trapped.

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