Dad's Advice

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"What's up, kid?" Taehyung settled into the armchair placed next to his father's bed.

"The company stocks." He joked. His father smiled back. Sometimes his heart ached at how helpless he was to protect Taehyung from the pressures he faced as a dutiful son. But he also felt proud that his son handled them so well.

"Yes, your mother told me. Just come to give your old, paralyzed father a pep talk?" Taehyung shook his head, his smile fading.

"No. Well, I mean, I could if you wanted..." Taehyung said teasingly. He knew how much his father hated empty platitudes, especially about his condition.

"Then what is it?" His father pressed when Taehyung fell silent and his eyes stared distantly at nothing.

"It's a girl." His father grinned.

"Well, about time. I want grandchildren."

"Dad!" Taehyung protested, even though he knew his appa was joking. He playfully smacked the bed, just like he'd done to his father when he was younger and his father teased him. His voice took on a more serious tone. "I just...I guess I need advice?"

"Why? Does she not like you?" Instantly his father was worried. Who in their right mind couldn't like his son? Taehyung waved his worries away.

"No, no, not like that. It's just..." He bit his lip, trying to think of what to say. "I love her. She loves me..."

"So what's the problem?"

"The problem is her."

"Problems have two sides, Taehyung."

"Yes...well, no...I mean....gah..." Taehyung huffed. "I love her. She loves me. But she's trying to not. She's trying to hold herself back. We..." He looked down at his hands. "We had a confrontation at her office this afternoon...."

"Is this that flowers chick that Jin's father mentioned to me?" Taehyung blushed slightly.

" heard about that?"

"I hear about lots of things you do." His father said pointedly, making Taehyung turn red and cough.

" one." Taehyung took a breath to compose himself.

"What did you confront her about?"

"Sleeping with me then not replying to my texts or phone calls."

"Oh, so the player got played."

"Dad! I'm being serious!" Taehyung said in exasperation. One thing he really appreciated about his dad, was how he could talk to him about stuff like this, and get expert advice. One thing he didn't appreciate was all the teasing he would sometimes be subjected to in return for that advice.

"I know." His father sobered slightly. "What'd she say?"

"She..." Taehyung hesitated. "She's not very trusting. She's afraid of trusting that way. Even though she already trusts me a lot and we're not really changing that much. She's fighting herself."

"I see." Taehyung was silent, waiting for his father to gather his thoughts.

"Do you love her?"

"Yes." His father was slightly surprised at how quickly and firmly his son answered his question.

"Then I'd say be patient. When you love someone you need to accept the whole package. You know going into this that she has trust issues. So be understanding. And don't push her....more than you already have." Taehyung bit his lip, thinking the words over.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right. Like always."

" way or another I need to get my grandchildren out of you..."



The problem, Y/N was realizing, was that she didn't have anyone else to rely on. She looked to herself for everything. Which, in and of itself, wasn't bad. But every human needs a community to draw strength from. Even Ryung, at the end of the day she paid him and he probably felt like there were some matters he couldn't comment on.

And now she felt so confused and lost. Did she love Taehyung? She was sure she did. And that scared the crap out of her. Anything could happen. He could break her heart. He could make a fool out of her in front of their whole social circle, leaving her once again to flounder in a sea of sharks that just saw her as meat to be eaten alive.

But he was right. She was letting fear control her. She had been letting fear control her for years. Lack of control....she feared that. She feared what would be done to her if she couldn't control things.

Baby steps. She would take baby steps. She could pull back at anytime. It wasn't like they were getting married tomorrow. They were just meeting for coffee. No big deal.

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