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Andrés Roman Confiado woke up not knowing his name, where he came from, and where on the goddamn world he was. The only thing that he was aware of was that he had a throbbing headache, and the hard object that he was lying from certainly gave him little to no comfort.

He could hear some whispering, but he couldn't fathom exactly what the voices were saying. There was some ringing on his ears as well, and he was feeling hot all over his body, as if he had woken up because of the temperature.

When he finally opened his eyes, it took quite some time before they were able to adjust to the blinding lights.

The first thing that he saw was white, clean, untainted white. That worsened the throbbing of his head. He gasped, and did his best to sit upright, wincing in the process as he stretched his limbs and muscles that felt as if he hadn't used them for a decade. The ringing on his ears was clamorous now as the world in front of him was replaced with darkness and dancing orbs of light. That made him want to throw up, but he forced himself not to, and swallowed the lump on his dry throat.

When he regained his vision, and when the dancing orbs of lights finally left him alone to see, he was able to scrutinize his surroundings.

He was in a well-lit room that was over 5 meters in width and length. At the center of the ceiling there was a fan that looked as if it had done its job for over a century, and no longer wanted to turn, but continued turning out of necessity, nonetheless. There was a single bunk bed and a massive wardrobe that reached the ceiling. Other than that, there was nothing else. Mundane. No windows, no decorations, no posters, nothing except an inverted crucifix made out of wood that really stood out on the white wall.

Andrés felt hollow on the pit of his stomach as he stared at it, feeling as if there was something wrong, but could never really point out what was wrong about it. He felt as if the inverted crucifix was staring back at him and that it knew things he didn't know about.

That was when things hit him.

He knew nothing, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't squeeze any information out of his brain.

The more the seconds passed, the more he felt the beating of his heart, as if any moment it would come barging out of his chest. He listened to the loud beating of his heart, feeling it, never noticing the opening of the door of the room, and the entrance of a man. The man who just entered the room was over 6 foot tall with a large physique. He eyed the oblivious Andrés with some emotions on his eyes.

Only after a minute did Andrés notice the foreign presence. Their eyes met, and his nervous agitation was blazing more and more on his chest as he tried to make sense of what was happening, and why he had no memory of everything.

The guy let out a sigh, still fixing his gaze on him.

"Welcome back, Rom. You have finally risen from the dead."

And that was when his gaze dropped, and saw it. His body was wrapped with thick layers of bandages, and there were smudges of dried blood on it.

God is an AtheistTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon