Forever My Love

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“I’m alive, but how? I gave you my entire life Dahvie. Literally.” he sighed and sat down into the grass. I immediately crawled into the arms of my smaller lover. “First I’m going to give you this, but don’t read it until I finish.” I felt so much like a small child. In all honesty I knew what had happened; Christopher had given me his life.

Only Chris and I have the ability to do that so it had to have been him. Dahvie sighed and pulled me close, he seemed so happy to know that I’m alive. “Christopher gave you his life. He said I needed your love more than he needs life.” I felt my heart clench and pathetic tears sprung in my eyes. I knew that this would happen, Christopher would give his life to somebody but I had never thought that it would be me.

“Jayy are you okay?” Dahvie whispered urgently, kissing both of my cheeks. I nodded and sighed “it’s just that Christopher was like my family. He was the only person I had. I was told long ago by Garrett that my parents were both destroyed.” I looked at Dahvie to see him smiling. What is there to smile about?!

I glared and sniffled causing that pearly white smile to fall. “That’s just it Jayy. Your parents are still alive and well. Christopher told me so and if I knew their names I would easily be able to find them.” I felt a huge smile grow onto my face, though I didn’t care much for my father. I did want to see my mother.

“My mom’s name is Teresa Griffis and my dad is Brian Griffis.” Dahvie tilted his head in thought for a moment before smiling. “I actually know them, they are spies like you and I ran into them one day. Of course they were ready to fight but I just walked away from it. I don’t know why but I think I was too tired. I actually started talking to them and I know where they are now.”

I gasped loudly and curled deeper into Dahvie’s lap “re-really?” I asked breathlessly. He chuckled lightly and whispered “yes but first we need to get everything figured out, and you need to read that letter.” I sighed and looked at the forgotten piece of paper. I opened it and read Christopher’s perfectly hand written note.

Dearest jayy,

I’ve like you never been good at goodbyes so I am just going to get straight to the point I wish for you to take my place as the leader of our clan. I know that it will be a lot of responsibility for one young vampire, but I am sure that Dahvie will help you with it. Your parents will also help once you find them. Good luck young one. I hope that you and Dahvie will live happily ever after like you much deserve. Well, I suppose this is goodbye.

With love,


Tears ran down my face. He did it so I could be with Dahvie. He must have known all along my feelings for him. I sighed and Dahvie kissed my tears away. “Baby, it’s okay. We both know you would’ve done the same for him.” I smiled and nodded.

I would have died for Chris, for the longest time he took care of me when I went down the wrong road, at least he took care of me until I met Dahvie. He had instantly trusted that Dahvie would care for me when I needed him to. And he was right.

“You’re right I lo-” I was cut off by someone saying. “Dahvie! Jeremy?” I instantly grew defensive. The wolves could come back at any moment and I could smell them now. I hissed and turned to the voice. As I did my eyes became agape at who was standing just beyond the trees.

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