Drumming Of My Heart

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Aaron’s POV

After my father’s order I began to head back to Jeremy’s house in a slump. I didn’t really want to do this, but alas I knew that I must. I have no choice. I hate my father so much. When we first got Dahvie a few years ago, I thought that he would immediately become a part of the family. But he didn’t.

The only reason that the pack had him attack Jayy, or tried to have him attack Christopher was because they knew that he wasn’t ready. They knew that he would fail. What they didn’t consider was the very shocking and unlikely possibility that Jayy would recognize him.

Though I knew that Jayy would know who he was.  I had noticed Jayy protecting Dahvie many times. I really don’t think that Jeremy himself remembers for it was his night of maturing, but he saved Dahvie from being drowned.

It was my job to kill Dahvie at that time too but the plan failed, all because of Jayy. I had already tricked Dahvie into going late night swimming with me; he was always very trusting. My brother had already gotten into the water; he was just waiting for me.

Hidden behind me in the bushes were heavy chains made especially for Dahvie’s death. I was about to go get them when I heard the rustling of something and turned to see none other than Jeremy, running off with the chains.

When he noticed me looking at him he got directly in my face and snarled in a way I had never seen a vampire do, not even a maturing one. He didn’t say anything at all, but I heard his voice distinctly echo in my mind “Lay a fucking finger on him and we’re going to have a problem, got it?”

I had never been afraid of Jayy before, but at that moment I had been terrified. The guy would never hurt anybody unless he was threatened… or someone he truly loves was in danger. Wait! I stopped dead in my tracks. He really does love Dahvie! I never thought he really did until this very moment. I can’t break them apart, I absolutely refuse!

This is wrong; I have to convince Jayy that I am on his side, that I won’t hurt him or Dahvie. But I know that it will not be easy. I took a deep breath before I ran and jumped into Dahvie’s bedroom from the window.

When my feet landed I saw Jayy holding a dead looking Dahvie, though I knew better. Dahvie was simply maturing so of course he will look sick, almost to death. But he is perfectly healthy. At first Jayy didn’t seem to notice me, but when he did he snarled like he had that day when I was planning to drown Dahvie.

“What do you want Aaron?” He asked, venom literally foaming like acid from his mouth. Hmm, he must be very thirsty. I sighed softly, looking down at my feet. “Jayy I know that you must hate me, and my family. But I want…”

“You want what?” He asked hatefully. I cringed so lightly that not even he could have noticed. “I want to help you two. I want you guys to be safe and in love.” I looked up at Jayy to see wide red eyes and a gaping mouth. He is obviously shocked but he must believe me, he just has to.

Dahvie’s POV

Something is wrong. I can feel it deep inside myself, Jayy is worrying, and he is in pain. But why? What’s going on? I can sense his feelings but I cannot do anything I about them right now. I simply can’t force my tired eyes open, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I feel like I am sleeping for the first time in years.

I must be maturing, but why now? It is said that werewolves only mature during their rite of passage, meaning they have found their spot in this world. I thought that I would know immediately what it was, but I have no idea. Maybe we just mature at a certain age and they wanted to make a bigger deal out of it than it really was. It wouldn’t be the first time that they had done this.

Suddenly I felt a shot of pain go through my chest like a lead bullet. It hurt more than anything I’ve ever felt before. I wanted to scream, to cry out for Jayy; to cry out for anybody! But I couldn’t work any of my muscles. I was about to force myself to thrash, to do something; however the shooting left just as quickly as it had come.

I know for a fact that a pain like that was not normal during a wolf’s maturing, so what the hell was it? I’ve never felt something anywhere near that intense. It could possibly have something to do with Jayy’s pain right now, but he is fine now; rubbing my back in calm circles and whispering something.

“I promise.” I heard a male voice say sincerely. The voice seemed oddly familiar but I just couldn’t put my finger on who it was. Sighing softly I turned as well as I could in my stiff position. I could not move easily. When I was finally moved in the way I wanted to I felt Jayy place his colder lips on my cheek, making me shudder.

“I love you my little wolf.” I smiled and tried once again to open my eyes, actually succeeding this time. But when I looked up at Jayy a new feeling ran through me, something that was completely foreign. I felt like I was tied to the spot where I lay, it was as if I could not move any part of myself.

Panicking I whimpered softly, making Jayy look down at me with shining red eyes. “Are you okay?” He asked urgently, running his fingers loosely through my hair. But I wasn’t okay. I didn’t know what this feeling was! It didn’t feel right, what the hell is this?!

Glancing away from his piercing gaze, I caught sight of my brother. Why the hell was he here?! I must’ve looked awfully confused because he smiled at me and whispered, “Don’t worry Dahvie; I’m not going to hurt you or Jayy. I’m going to protect you both.”

Biting my lip, I forced myself to nod; too weak to even consider fighting right now. I took a deep breath and looked at my vampire once again, feeling the tugging feeling once again. It’s like I can’t look away. Like this is where I was supposed to be.

That’s when it hit me. Right here, right now is where I’m meant to be. This is my rite of passage. I’m maturing because I HAVE found my spot it life. Right here with Jayy is where I truly am meant to be.

This may not be one of the most important places that a werewolf could be in life, but to me it was worth more than the entire world.  Smiling up at him he stroked my cheek gently with his thumb. “I love you.” I whispered hoarsely to the beautiful creature above me. He smiled at me happily and whispered “I love you too sweetheart, now why don’t you finish sleeping? I don’t want my baby tired.”

I smiled softly and cuddled into his arms, feeling more complete than I can ever remember being. I can’t describe the feeling, but imagine seeing someone for the first time in years. They run up to you and kiss you passionately and tell you they love you. This is how I feel whenever I see my true love.

Sighing contently I closed my tired eyes and began to head off into my dream world. A place that is often times dark was now as bright and shining as the drumming heart in my chest. Now I know what it means when people say sweet dreams, something that is just as good as the real life that you’re living.    

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