A Place To Belong

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Dahvie’s POV

I held onto Jayy’s hand tightly as we walked through the forest. Right now we are heading to the clearing so that Jayy can run his first meeting. We have decided that I would hide for the first little while until they catch my scent. “Are you worried?” I asked in my mind, hoping that Jayy would pick it up.

I glanced up just in time to see him nod. “yeah I am sweetie but I love you and they have no other choice than to respect that.” I nodded as we came closer and closer to the clearing. Jayy gently pulled me to a tree and climbed up. “c’mon up.” he whispered while smiling. I frowned slightly, I can’t climb trees I never have been able to.

I whimpered pathetically as Jayy smirked down at me. “you need help?” he asked. I nodded feeling somewhat ashamed of myself. Jayy grabbed my hands tenderly in his and pulled me up. I blushed when he set me down next to him and pulled me close. I leaned my head onto his chest and looked up at the moon. Jayy kissed the top of my head before whispering in my ear. “beautiful isn’t it?” I nodded and whispered “not as beautiful as you“.

It was as if I were in a daze. Ever since I officially became mated with Jayy I’ve seen the world through new eyes. Everything seems brighter and even happier. It’s really hard to explain but it’s like a person who was born blind seeing for the first time. “I love you Jayy.” I whispered as he held me lovingly to his chest. Jayy chuckled quietly before whispering into my hair “I love you too Dahvie, to the moon and back.” I grinned brightly as I cuddled deeper into his embrace. I closed my eyes slowly and listened to Jayy’s heartbeat. Though it was very faint; it was there, not that human ears could ever hear it.

Jayy sighed contentedly as he gently rocked back and forth in a soothing fashion. I quickly realized that he was taking all of my worries away and making them his own, but I didn’t stop him. I knew that he could easily forget all worries, I’ve always envied vampires for that power. Only they can do that we werewolves are like humans in the aspect of worrying, we just let it eat at us until we can’t take it anymore.

I sighed quietly as I opened my eyes. “they’re here.” Jayy whispered before gently pushing me away from himself. I looked down and nodded. “stay up here, watch me and when I come over here I’m going to help you down so that they can meet you. Okay?” I nodded as Jayy placed his soft lips over mine, kissing me sweetly. I smiled as he jumped down from the tree and walked slowly over to the clearing where the other vampires were now gathering. I really hope that Jayy is right and they will accept our relationship. I remember when I first left with the wolves Jayy’s clan kidnapped me and tried to kill me. But Jayy saved me by killing one of his own.

I sighed and watched as the vampires talked. I could tell that they were talking about Christopher at the moment, many of the vampires were crying and those who weren’t seemed to be frozen in place; they were in denial. Suddenly a vampire that I recognized as Drake yelled “there’s a werewolf nearby! I can smell him!” I heard Jayy laugh as he walked over to the tree “follow me guys.” I soon saw the others following close behind him. “you’re right Drake, there is a werewolf, but he is not our enemy.”

I heard the other vampires grumbling to each other in confusion. “c’mon baby.” I heard Jayy whisper “jump, I’ll catch you.” I gulped quietly before falling into Jayy’s awaiting arms. As soon as everyone saw me they gasped out loudly. “guys.” Jayy whispered “you all know Dahvie, he is my mate.” I turned when I heard a demonic hiss come from one of the guys in the far back. “Jayy he is a fucking werewolf! You can’t be his mate!” I looked up at Jayy to see that he had a calm expression.

“Davis you can’t control who you love. And I love Dahvie. We are mates and you are going to accept that. Now come forward.” the guy named Davis began walking closer, almost as if he were a puppet and Jayy was his master. When the man stepped just in front of us he stopped and Jayy whispered “Davis I know you hate werewolves because they killed your mate, but Dahvie is nothing like them. Please understand that he is not our enemy. His ex pack are looking to kill him for some reason so he is now OUR family. Does EVERYONE understand that?”

Everyone all around us nodded. “Master Jayy?” a young boy who couldn’t be any older than eleven years old whispered. Jayy smiled at the boy and set me on my feet “Skylar just call me Jayy. And yeah what is it?” the boy sighed and whispered “The wolves got Dylan last night, I tried to save him but I couldn’t.” Jayy gasped along with everyone else in the vampire clan. “But he was the only one left of your family.” someone whispered. Skylar nodded and sniffled quietly “that’s how it goes sometimes, I’m just sorry that we lost one of our best fighters.”

I felt sorry for the kid, I must be hard losing someone like that. Maybe he could stay with one of the other strong fighters, I know the wolves won’t give up until they kill him too. Jayy smiled at me and said “Damien I want you to take Skylar in, Dahvie just said the wolves would try to attack him if he’s on his own.” I looked at Skylar to see a light pink blush on his cheeks. Does he like Damien? I glanced at Jayy to see him nod slightly, answering my question.

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I hope he is happy with living with Damien. “you know.” I heard someone say “I think I will like having Dahvie around.” I felt tears of happiness in my eyes as everyone nodded and agreed, some shaking my hand and some even hugging me. Jayy wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned down to whisper in my ear “welcome to the family.” I smiled and leaned my head back onto his chest. I finally found a place to belong.

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