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Dahvie’s POV

After we dropped Skylar off at Damien’s Jayy and I walked through the forest, guided only by the moonlight. It truly is beautiful around here at night. In all honesty when I was in the pack I never really had the chance to enjoy beauty; my life was all about fighting, harming…killing.

I sighed regretfully in remembrance, making Jayy glance at me and squeeze my hand gently in reassurance. Grinning brightly I glanced up at my beautiful blood drinker. How I had never realized my love for him as a human I’ll never know. He is just… absolutely perfect in every way.

Jayy, feeling my eyes on him looked down at me with a huge smile on his face. “What you thinking about so hard baby?” I blushed at the little pet name and giggled. “I’m just thinking about how lucky I am that you found me.”

He laughed quietly and stopped walking before quickly turning me to face him. Jayy rested his forehead over mine so that our lips were only millimeters apart. “I’m the lucky one, if you hadn’t attacked me I never would’ve found you.” He gently rubbed our noses together as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

Giggling quietly I rubbed my nose against his. “I love you Jayy.” He smiled softly and pecked my lips. “I love you more darling.” Blushing, I pulled my face away from his and nuzzled my head into the nape of his neck.

“You’re so adorable.” Jayy whispered quietly as he held one of my hands. I felt my face quickly heating up once again at his words. Why does he have to be so sweet? He chuckled lightly as I bit softly into his neck, making the smallest bit of blood touch my tongue.

The taste was awfully bitter and yet, it was sweet. Not the good kind of sweet, it was as if I were drinking maple syrup that had been drenched in warm salt water. I quickly pulled away from my true love and spit multiple times into the grass. “How the hell can you drink that shit!?” I asked while wiping my tongue on my shirt.

Jayy laughed and began to dig through his pocket until he found a peppermint and handed it to me. “It’s delicious, but I don’t like that we have to hurt people to get it. But vampire blood is hideously sweet to the taste and thick to the touch. If a human had even touched my blood they would surely die.”

I frowned confusedly as I popped the mint into my open mouth. The intense flavor almost immediately overran any leftover taste in my mouth. “But when I was a human I touched your blood a lot. I’d get it all over my hands whenever you would get cut or something and I’d wrap it up for you.”

As my vampire began to speak he clasped my hand tightly in his and intertwined our fingers. “Yes, but there is a reason that I always made you cuddle with me after words. I used my powers to heal you so that I wouldn’t lose you...”

Smiling slightly I began to walk again, pulling Jayy with me. “But if you knew it would kill me why didn’t you just tell me not to help you? I know it hurts you when you heal me.”

He smiled and looked down at me:I would’ve but I knew that it made you happy every time that I let you help me. I’d rather you be happy than anything else in this world.” Blushing I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek.

“You’re amazing.” I whispered to him as I saw his smile glint in the moonlight. “I believe that is you baby. Now let’s go before you fall asleep.” I chuckled quietly knowing that he was right. We both began to quicken our pace while smiling widely.

It’s strange to say, but I’m actually glad that I’ve gone through everything that I have. I just know; deep down in my heart that if the wolves hadn’t tried to kill me that I wouldn’t have gone back to Jayy. I would’ve just ducked out of our friendship out of peer pressure. But I guess it’s true what they say; you shouldn’t regret anything because everything happens for a reason.

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