The Living Dead

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Jayy’s POV

I am so happy that Dahvie is happy, but one thing is almost constantly on my mind; what will become of me and him? As a vampire I will live forever, unless I am killed but Dahvie will always age; though it will be a bit slower than a human’s aging rate. How will we be together? I don’t want to be separated from my true love. I wouldn’t be able to take it.

Right now, more than ever I wish that I had Christopher with me; he always knew what to say and what I should do. Why did he have to spare my life with his own? I sighed softly in remembrance, causing Dahvie to squeeze my hand gently in a way of condolence. I smiled halfheartedly at my little wolf and used my thumb to trace small circles onto the back of his hand.

“What’s wrong baby?” He asked sleepily. I looked down at him smirking, knowing that if I didn’t lift him soon he would fall to the ground due to his drowsiness. Quickly ducking down I lifted the smaller man into my awaiting arms, cradling him safely to my chest. “Nothing is wrong honey; I just want to get some sleep.” Dahvie nodded sleepily and laid his head into the nape of my neck. “I’m so sleepy Jayy.” He whispered, almost sounding sick.

Sighing quietly I gently rocked my tired wolf from side to side, whispering a sweet old poem in his ear

Sleep my weary one, dream the night away,

Feel comfort in my arms and heart, where you will always stay,

Fear not the darkness you may see, or pain that you have had

For when you are in my arms, I promise it will never be as bad

I will protect from all that may hurt, hold you calmly to my chest

You are my one and only, I’ll forget about all the rest.

I love your heart and your mind; I love your body too

But most of all honey, I just completely love you.

After my little poem, Dahvie fell asleep securely in my arms. I couldn’t help but smile at the way that he cuddled happily into my chest, he is so trusting; a great characteristic of his kind. They are always so loyal and caring to the one of which they love above all. I know that neither Dahvie nor I will ever cheat because it is literally impossible.

What I mean is our kinds are similar in so many ways, yet so contradictory in others. We both only feel true love for each other which means we can’t be separated for more than a day or both of us will grieve ourselves to death. Yet with vampires like myself we are able to act like we love someone when we truly do not. It is simply a tactic to gain what we need to feed; it is a hunting technique.

But I cannot use that trick anymore for it could hurt Dahvie. The thing with werewolves is they are so easy to hurt, not so much physically but emotionally. Shape shifters like Dahvie always jump to conclusions way too quickly and hurt themselves because of it. If my love saw me with another guy that he didn’t know; even if we were very obviously just friends, my little wolf would lose himself inside his heart. His mind would quite literally disconnect from his body, eliminating all rational thinking. He would just let his heart take over and do what his heart would think was right; which would almost definitely be to kill the guy I was talking to… or himself.

Sighing softly I began to walk into the house. I plan on tucking my baby boy into our bed and going out to get some blood, but something tells me that won’t happen. I guess I’ll be stuck feeding from him again, though it hurts me to do so. As long as it doesn’t hurt him I should be fine. I know that the venom on my teeth will hide the pain from him; it actually makes the bite sexually satisfying.

As I walked up the stairs I caught a whiff of a putrid smell, one that I knew all too well. The wolf pack had been here, but why? Tensing just slightly and holding Dahvie even more firmly to my chest, I walked into the room where the scent was the strongest; Dahvie’s old room. I kept my fangs bared forcefully together, ready to bite the fuck out of anyone who dared to show themselves, but nobody did. There wasn’t even any evidence that someone had been here, except for a wide open window.

Glaring slightly, I looked all around the room; double checking that nobody was in here. What the hell? Nothing… just nothing! Why would they even come here? Did they know I had Dahvie? Were they just trying to get a scent sample of him? So many questions, and yet so few answers. Slowly I sat down on Dahvie’s old, unmade bed with him still in my arms. I just sat there, staring out the window as the cool, fall breeze blew the curtains harshly. For the first time in hundreds of years, I actually felt like I truly was the living dead…

Dahvie’s Dad’s POV

My warriors had gone to the vampire leader Jayy’s house just to find that nobody was home. They did however discover that my “son’s” scent in that house was immensely fresh and strong. He had been in there very recently. Jeremy must truly have him, but where were they?

Part of me was angry with the fighters that they did not stay and wait, though I knew that if they had young Jeremy would’ve realized it immediately, he has always been one of the strongest vampires in his league, even as a child. He has always been tough, both smart and brave. We must be careful.

As long as Dahvie is under his protection we cannot get to the lone wolf, we must use our wits. We will have to separate them, but how? I know exactly how to do it. “Aaron!” I yelled for my son loudly. He quickly came into my room, looking confused “Yes father?”

I smiled down at the prince “I have an assignment for you young one, you are to use your power to lure Jayy into your clutches, make him fall in love with you. Get him to forget about your brother and then…”

“And then what?” Aaron asked in a strange tone. I smiled at him once again “and then, end him.”

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