A hard pill to swallow

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Colby's P.O.V.
As I stumble down the stairs following the blonde, my chest starts to burn. It was like the nightmare I had was becoming a reality. It got harder to breathe and I paused on the landing. Sam turned around and looked at me, trying to study my face.

"Colby. What's going on?-
Colbs, can you hear me?"

The more I thought about what was happening to me, the worse it got. I couldn't catch my breath. I couldn't talk. My eyes started playing tricks on me. Blurring like camera that can't focus. I bent down, trying to force out words

"S-S-Sam... I can't-  I-

I feel the weight of my body. I start to feel weak. I'm met with the stairs, and pain streaks through my body. The only sound that comes out is a cry. A strangled, sobbing gasp for air. I see the rest of the house rush towards me, their feet gunning towards me. Sam is next to me, holding me but I can't feel him. Then my world, once again, goes black.

Sorry this chapter was so short guys.
I had to come back and write more once I saw how many people had read it.
That's amazing!
Thank you! I will definitely update it more

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