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Hey guys... so I am beyond amazed that 2K people have read this! Thank you soooo much! I've been super busy over these past few months. I'm graduating in three weeks, and I've had appointments and stuff so. It's just a lot and I hope y'all understand.

Also I'm not gonna lie, I've been pretty up and down lately. I have amazing days and then I have days where I wish I could sleep forever. I am getting better but it's just extremely hard. I feel like I'm stuck in time, and I also feel like my parents are micromanaging my life so that's fun! Anywaysssss sorry for the little rant. I won't be giving up on this book but just know if I do choose to update randomly, you'll be lucky. I love all of you, thank you for sticking by me and recommending this to your friends! Again if you want to connect on other social media's, here ya go:

Instagram- @Soryasferes
Twitter- @Soryalouise
YouNow- @Slsferes
Snapchat- @Official_soryal

Bye for now! Oh and if you want, leave a positive comment! I'd love that.

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