danny !

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deafret -♡-

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yeah i have no clue whatsoever when we met honestly i'm so sorry oh my gosh, maybe like september?

i remember being very afraid to message you because someone was like blah blah danny and talked about you so highly, i was so shy and awkward and embarrassed and you were so nice and welcoming ; it was like a hug.

you are a rock in my life, you may think you are a mere pebble but dude you're like my favourite rock ever, i'd cuddle you n never throw you into the water cause i have separation anxiety with you !!

you're so wonderful that you don't even realise, you don't see anything good about yourself but when i look at you i see a hilarious, kind, funny, attractive boy who i'm so thankful to have in my life.

i just want to cuddle you and watch stupid movies.

you make me smile when i'm halfway through a breakdown, your voice is so heavenly and i love you always, never ever forget that.

i would not want to live in a world without you, my heart is breaking even at the thought of that because you mean so much to me.

i want to ruffle your hair and maybe even dye it for you, huh.

you're my favourite stoner and i just want to hug you all of the time, even though you're like a bloody giant to me.

we laugh and joke about the stupidest shit honestly and it gives me life. you have such a good music taste like ugh yes !

i have so many memories of you and i love all of them, i hope we make so many more, dad.

i loeve youh stonar boeh

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