bri !

19 5 5

pettycure -♡-

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as of this month, we have been friends for a year ! that is totally beyond mental yet awesome, gosh.

we don't speak as much as we used to which is really sad but you mean so much to me, you're so beautiful, kind, hilarious ( seriously ) and you never fail to make me smile.

you're so nice to everyone around you and you never purposely cause shit for other people. you are so kind and so all around perfect, i just love you so much, i'm at a loss for words.

we should definitely start talking more again bc i miss you a whole bunch.

i've never watched friends but you actually make me want to because anything you like, i'll probably like too.

you have such a bomb music taste, it is simply perfection.

you deserve the best things in life, always remember that, even when you don't feel like pulling forwards,

i've got your back.

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