ria !

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desamora -♡-

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i am thankful and ever grateful to have you in my life.

my mind is totally blanking on what to write because there's just so much, you mean the world to me, you really really do.

we met ages ago but we only really got close in december and i'm so happy that we did because you are definitely my best friend.

you are so beautiful, charismatic, outgoing and wonderful, you are hilarious and smart and i love you, i wouldn't change a single thing about you because then you wouldn't be you.

we can talk about serious things but also joke and i love that about us. we hardly ever fight and we work really well together.

your voice is so pretty and your handwriting too !

you care for me and you always help me overcome difficult situations, you don't leave when things get tough and i want to thank you for that.

you say you're always here for me and you genuinely mean that. you're here and i don't feel like a burden around you, you make my bad days almost okay and my good days even better.

things are hard for you right now but i promise it is all going to be okay, trust me. and if it isn't? i'm here, we can be not-okay together, if it comes to it.

you make me happy, unconditionally happy. you have such a beautiful, kindhearted soul, even though you look down on yourself often.

i love you, mari

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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