theo !

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asphyxious -♡-

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we have the wackiest freaking time differences but you're also very wacky ( imagine staying up until 3/4am talking to me. yeah, me ! not even like v or someone special like that )

we talk mainly on tumblr so you probably won't see this but eh,

you give me a whole other meaning to life. you make me feel capable of doing the best things ever, you make holding on easier.

if i were to associate you with a season, it would be winter because even as it's dark at 4pm, you have to wear five layers and the fact that everybody says they do not want to go outside near it, it brings unexpected happiness.

winter brings snow days and days spent cuddling the person that you love ; it means any excuse for a cup of hot chocolate and warm fires to keep you safe.

i haven't known you for half as long as i have the others but that doesn't matter at all because sometimes you meet a person who understands you beyond thought and cares for you unconditionally.

you have given me many sunny days over the past month that we have known each other. you have made me laugh, smile, love and that is all that i want to do.

we talked about the weirdest things when we first met, honestly like wow but it was so amusing, or perhaps the night that i was a little drunk ( i'm so embarrassed. )

you're so– so private, so hard and cold on the outside, a boy who hardly smiles, a boy who has a serious resting bitch face but on the inside, you're a complete softie, i think it's partly from me, sorry for that !

you have the cutest smile, you should smile far more often, teddy because you are so handsome, smart, funny, charming and we all love and support you unconditionally.

i love you !

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