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Skyler's pov

As Luke slept I texted Lee, he would be my new best friend, hopefully. He was actually really cool and we had a lot in common.

"Cuddle." Luke said causing me to look at him. I put my phone down and laid on Luke causing him to instantly pull me closer to him. HE'S SO ADORABLE OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

I just laid there since I wasn't tired and thought about everything really. I need to grow up, I should probably get a job, I need friends. What if Luke and I get married? What if we have kids? What if we break up? He didn't even sleep last night, obviously, because I wasn't with him, he can't sleep without me. We moved to America, to California. We bought a house, we bought a dog, this is everyone's dream. Especially to be dating Luke, he's still very much known.


I woke up to see I was alone, I put my shirt on and went downstairs to hear the tv on and giggling. I tip toed to the living room to see about four girls, Michael, and Luke.

"She's sleeping! She's fine!" Crystal snapped as Luke got up.

Luke ignored her and started walking towards me while looking down. He looked at me and smiled.

"Hi, Princess." He said while picking me up, he immediately stuck his face in the crook of my neck.

When I didn't say anything he looked at me and kissed my cheek.

"That tickled." I murmured.

"Did you just wake up?" I nodded.

He opened the fridge and got my drink out and handed it to me. It was sweet tea we made. I gladly took it as he went into the living room causing all the girls plus Michael to look at us.

"Your best friends coming over." Michael said.

"Lee?" He nodded causing me to look at Luke.

"You can say hi, but then we're going to bed." I nodded and leaned my head on his shoulder. The girls kept looking at me causing me to try and hide in Luke. Once the door bell rang I ran over and opened the door to see Lee.

"Hey, Sky!" He smiled with two pizza boxes in his hands.

"Hello!" I smiled.

Michael came over, handed me his wallet and took the pizzas.

"$12." Lee smiled.

I opened Michael's wallet to see no money.

"Michael! Luke!" The two came over, Michael grabbed his wallet looking inside.

"Oops?" He asked looking at Luke who was behind me, slightly playing with my hair. Luke dug in his pocket and grabbed a ten and a five.

"Keep the change." He said giving the money to Lee.

We said bye to Lee and went upstairs after putting the pizza in the kitchen.

"We need to get clean." I said when Luke laid back on the bed.

"I'm tired!" He whined.

"Bubby, we need to! We stinky!" I exclaimed while getting clothes out for us.

"I don't want clothes." I closed the drawers and went into the bathroom turning the bathwater on. I brushed my hair and waited for the tub to fill up with water. When it was full I took my clothes off and got in, it was so nice and warm.

"Ukey, Ukey!" Luke came in and smiled down at me.

"Look at you!" He cooed. He took his phone out and started taking pictures of me.

"Get in with me! I'm getting lonely." He quickly took his clothes off and got in behind me. He stuck his face in the crook my neck and kissed behind my ear.

"I love you." He whispered as it was dead silent.

"I love you." I whispered back pulling his arms closer to me if it was possible.

We laid there for a long time in silence until he broke it.

"I want you to be Skyler Mae Hemmings." He said.

"Do you?"

"So bad. You'll really really be mine then." He said as I turned around so I could see him.

"You know what to about it." I said as he looked at me.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"If it's with you, I'm in." I said while running my fingers through his hair. I kissed his cheek and laid my head on his shoulder.

Skyler Mae Hemmings. Yes please.

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