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Skyler's pov

I woke up to hear pounding from downstairs, from the door to be exact.

"Shut up." Luke mumbled getting up.

"No! It's probably Jeremy!" I exclaimed grabbed his hand pulling him towards me. I hope to god Jeremy doesn't do anything stupid.

Luke sighed and pulled me to him.

"Don't go down there." I said wrapped my arms around him.

"I want him to go away." He mumbled. I looked at the clock that was on the dresser in front of the tv to see that it was seven in the morning. Who wakes up at seven in the morning? Willingly?

"Let me do it." I said looking up at Luke.

Before he could say anything my started phone ringing so I looked to see it was Harper.

H - He called the cops!

Why would Jeremy do that? He's a dick.

The line ended and so did the knocking.

"Hey, hey, hey. What happened?" Luke asked grabbing my face when I froze and didn't say anything.

"He called the cops."

Luke started packing some stuff, while he did that he told me to get dressed and that, so I did. When I was done, Luke dragged me out to the car. I didn't know what to do at all. Why would Jeremy do this now? I've basically been living with Luke since I can remember. Why wouldn't Jeremy do it before?

Maybe because you confessed that you're in love with Luke to him!

That could also be a contributing factor.

Could? It is!

"Princess." I hummed and looked at Luke as I pulled my legs up. I didn't even know I was in the car. Wow, how times flies when you're not paying attention.

Luke grabbed my hand and looked back at the road. I turned so I was facing him after thinking all this over.

"We can't run away." I said making him glance at me.

"We should tell the truth."

"You want me to go to jail?" He asked going a bit to fast down the road.

"Leave out that we're dating! That's it!" I said letting go of his hand. We could lie and say that I'm still Percilla's friend.

Luke turned the car around and we went back to the house. We went in and I put our stuff away quickly. I ran back downstairs to see Luke pacing.

"Stop! Act normal!" I exclaimed grabbing him.

He pulled me into him and kissed my head. I looked up at him and kissed him quick.

"Whatcha hungry for?" I asked.

"Eat cereal."

"I want you to eat too!" He slightly raised his eyebrows.

A knock came from the door so Luke ran over to it. I opened the fridge seeing nothing, the freezer had nothing, I decided on some dry Fruit Loops. I sat on the island and went on my phone as the door closed. Luke and two police officers came in. One had brown hair and one had basically white hair.

Act normal, Skyler!

"You're Skyler Porter, correct?" I nodded while locking my phone.

"Do you mind if we ask you some questions?" I shook my head and closed the box of cereal.

They sat down at the table so I looked at Luke who grabbed the cereal box from in front of me. This was so awkward.

"Could you leave?" The police officer that had brown hair asked looking at Luke. Luke looked at me so I nodded.

"Clean your room, make the bed, it's messy up there." He rolled his eyes and went upstairs.

"More than one person called and said that the two of you are dating." The one with basically white hair said. Who else would say that?

"Okay?" I asked waiting for them to proceed.

"We don't feel like doing paper work and we can tell that there's something between you two." The blonde one said. They have to be joking.

"Are yous lying?"

"No. We just have to ask how it started. Will you tell us?" The brown haired one said.

I sighed and got situated.

"There was this parents dance thing back when I was like six and my parents didn't come, obviously. I waited outside of the school on the sidewalk for a good four hours waiting, when Luke and his daughter came out. He took me to his place, gave me a bath, fed me and took me to his parents house. He made me feel safe."

"How old was he?"


They didn't speak for a bit until Luke screamed, "What the fuck?". He yelled a few other words while running downstairs. He handed me a camera so I looked to see naked pictures of Purcilla. I turned the camera off and took the memory card out.

"Why would you look at it?" I yelled totally forgetting that there is police officers in the same room as us.

"It was sitting on the dresser facing the bed!" He is so dumb.

"Luke! It was facing the bed! She made a sex tape!" He groaned and slightly closed his eyes.

I put the camera down and slipped the memory card in my pocket. The police asked Luke the same question they asked me when Luke looked at them. He told his version, I thought it was cute.

"I did?" I asked when Luke said I snuggled into him.

"Yeah, the same way you do now."

"You're old." I said scrunching up my face.

"That was ten years ago." He defended.

"Yeah! You're old, end of story." He scoffed.

Eventually the police left and told us to be careful and what not. Once Luke closed the door I ran over to him and jumped on him.

"We did it!" I squealed.

I looked at him and he kissed me.

"Yes we did." I smiled and nuzzled my face in his neck.

This is amazing, it really is.

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this chapter sucks

also happy late easter!

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