Chapter 6: Confession

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((A/N: I lost my progress for like the first 300 words of this chapter so sorry it's not that good!! I'm pretty sad cuz I liked what I had written, but that happens sometimes :,) // Art Credits: make1nu (

Nagito's P.O.V.

I looked down at him and held him close. I let out a small chuckle.

"What are you thinking, Hajime?" I asked quietly.

Hajime groaned and dug his face farther into my neck, his words muffled. "I... I don't know."

"Well..." I ran my hand along his side, holding myself back from doing anything drastic. "I'll listen to whatever you want to tell me."

A sigh escaped his mouth and he turned to look out at the water. "I'll just tell you... I was ordered to keep watch over you by Future Foundation. Specifically Byakuya's branch. So because of that... I've been going out of my way to spend time with you to make sure you wouldn't do anything reckless."

As he spoke, he slowly put his leg up against mine, causing me to shudder. I was sure he didn't mean anything by it, but as titillated as I was, I couldn't help but react. His continuation assured me he didn't notice.

"In the simulation, even after everything you did and said, I still wanted to understand you. And once I finally woke you up from the pod... I was so relieved. But I was also scared. I got the order right afterward. But then once I visited you in the hospital... you seemed so much calmer. And you didn't seem to have any ill intent. In fact, I wanted to keep you company."

I smiled and pulled my hand up to cup his face and pull his head back so I could look at him.

"And I don't know why but I always get this weird feeling, especially when you would talk to me or... touch me."

Gathering all of the thoughts, I tried to decipher whether he was bluffing or not. Whether it was just another trick so he could puppeteer me on the knowledge that this relationship was and always be one-sided.

Despite those thoughts, I put my forehead forward and touched his again. "Do you think that you're... interested in me?"

His face flushed and he nervously laughed. "I-I don't know... if it's love or..."

"We can always find out."

I slowly closed the distance between us and pressed my lips up against his softly. I felt him squeeze me a tiny bit harder, so I eagerly pulled him even closer.

Everything in that moment just beautifully melted away, except for him. He was so warm... I didn't want to let go of him. I was so happy, so lucky, so thankful for this moment.

Tilting my head, I deepened the kiss, rubbing my thumb along his cheek. My hands pressed against him and nothing else.

Reluctantly pulling back, I smirked at him and admired his rose stained cheeks.

So cute... and he didn't pull back at all.

He stood wordless again.

"Is it?" I asked, desperately wanting to hear a yes. Everything in my brain is scattered, even I know that. But I couldn't help being utterly obsessed with him. His Hope... his demeanor... his heroics.

His green and red eyes blinked, a flabbergasted expression painted on his face.

I simply laughed and smiled, submerging my hand again to hold his. "You've never kissed before, have you?"

Hajime bit his lip and looked away. "N-No, I've never really had any experience with stuff like this before..."

"Did you... enjoy it?" I asked quietly, looking down in a worried fashion. I couldn't have messed up... was it too soon? Too sudden? Too much?

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