1. Cute

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Your POV

"I asked for a caramel frappucino with light ice and a little whipped cream, and you gave me a frappucino with more ice than i asked, how lazy are you"

And if you're wondering why I'm being yelled at well you see, this bit.. i mean customer here ask for a caramel frappucino with light ice well i accidentally put i don't know like three extra ice in it, and well here are your result, being screamed at for extra ice.

"Ma'am, im sorry for the mistake, i can make a new one for you" i asked politely putting on my fake face on "No i don't want you to make it just to have it ruined again, someone else make it" she yelled at me again but this time she threw the coffee at me

I tried my best to keep my anger and gave her a fake smile and went to my other co worker "Hey Jimin can you make this for that bitc... i mean customer right there" i asked my friend Jimin

You might be Thinking 'Why is Jimin or BTS working in a coffee shop' well in this story.. i mean world, BTS hasn't been formed they are still collage students, and they're working their way to the top but right now they need a place first, hence the part time job

"Yeah No problem, are you alright tho" I gave him an ok sign while i wash my face, after that Jimin gave me the drink and i handed it to her and then she left 'bitch' i mumbled when she is faraway from me

I rested my head on the counter thinking is going to be a long shift
"Long Day huh" A soft yet gentle voice asked which some how cheered me up a little

"Yeah, what would you like to order" i asked politely "A Caramel frappucino with light ice, if i found an extra ice in it you're dead" She did a cute impression of the last customer and giggled at the and which is the Sweetest sound I've heard "But seriously, ill have a vanilla latte, hot" I nod to her and type in her order "For whom might it be" Even though half of her face is covered by a mask her eyes are the most beautiful thing I've landed on "Tiger Cub" i gave her a confused look but i dont Judge, I went to make her order while i was waiting for the coffee to be done a drew a little tiger on her cup since is taking a while

After its done, i placed it on the counter "Order For Tiger Cub" after i said that everyone in the store look at me weirdly but the person who ordered just laughed "Thank you" she said and paid for it "Wow... Nice drawing you draw often" She asked taking a picture of my drawing "No just what i do when i have spare time" I replied "Oh cute, so do i" I gave her a smile "Really, maybe i can look at your drawings", "Sure when i come here tomorrow ill bring some of my drawing"

"See you soon" she said waving "See you soon have a nice day" I really want to know who she is all i could see is half of her face

well maybe i would know tommorow.

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