12. Date

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Chaeyoung Pov

I've been thinking back and forth, should I ask y/n on a date I mean we've hangout before heck I've even been to his house, but what if he rejects me and our friendship that we built will be ruined, should I take the chance

Ugh this is so frustrating, I let out a groan and flopped down to the couch "Someone's having a bad day" Mina unnie said sitting sown beside me "Come on tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours" I smiled at her

"Okay, but promise me don't tell anyone about this" I said sternly "Wow sounds serious, what is it" She said getting comfortable "Promise me first" I said "Yeah I promised not to tell anyone" Mina Unnie said and I let out a relieved sigh

I told her everything about y/n, about how I met him, when we hung out and every small little detail that I noticed from him, "Wow he seems like a nice guy, but what's the problem" She asked "Well I was planning to ask him on a date but I don't know what would he react" I said "Well you wouldn't know if you don't asked"

After a long minute I finally got the courage and picked my phone

After a long minute I finally got the courage and picked my phone

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I threw my hands up in the air and starts squealing like crazy "Guessing by the reaction he said yes" Mina Unnie said smiling and I nodded but then realization hit me what should we do on the date "and if your freaking out of what are you going to...

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I threw my hands up in the air and starts squealing like crazy "Guessing by the reaction he said yes" Mina Unnie said smiling and I nodded but then realization hit me what should we do on the date "and if your freaking out of what are you going to do at the date, advice go for something simple and nice not to experience and not to cheap where it looks boring" Mina said, wow like she red my mind

"So like?" I asked "You both like painting or drawing right, so how about go to the art museum here that just got renovated or if not there's a new roller skating rink that just open" Mina suggest

"Yeah that's a good idea thanks Minari "I said and hugged her  "Your welcome" She smiled "Hey Michaeng, Food is ready" Jihyo said in a loud voice, and we both rolled our eyes and giggled

*next day*

RIght now I'm very nervous and excited, nervous that it doesn't goes out as planned, I waited until it's 8 and get ready

I decide to wear a white sweater and black jeans with a mask on, and head to the park

When I arrived there I saw a familiar figure sitting a the bench "Hey Bear" I said approaching him "Hey Princess" He said turning around to face me "So where do we go first" He asked, "Come on follow me" I said and *grab his hands and wow its so s...

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When I arrived there I saw a familiar figure sitting a the bench "Hey Bear" I said approaching him "Hey Princess" He said turning around to face me "So where do we go first" He asked, "Come on follow me" I said and *grab his hands and wow its so soft, I wonder how his lips fe..* wait what are you thinking Chae

We walked over to the art museum "Oh wow I thought they were close down" He said "Yeah they just renovated it" I said and we head inside, we admired the entire art that they displayed

"Hey umm, Im sorry if this is kinda boring" I said looking down "No its not, Im actually interested" He said smiling *ugh that smile make my heart beat faster* "Really" I said and he nodded

"well actually there's one more place we could go too" I said "Really where is it" He asked "Let's go there" I said, we go outside and hailed a cab

A few minutes later, we arrived "Roller skating, it's been awhile since I did it" He said "Let's go inside" I said happily dragging him with me, I rent two roller skates, y/n was about to pay but I paid it first quickly "Wait I was about to pay" He said pouting "I asked you on this date, I'll pay" I said smiling

To be honest I didn't even know how to skate, I just know the basic but I usually fall "Do you know how to skate" He asked and I nodded hesitantly

We entered the skating rink and I skate little by little as I thought I was getting the hang of it I fell but luckily y/n catch me by my waist

"do you really know how to skate" He asked and I shook my head "You want me to hold you" He asked me and I nodded nervously, i held on to his hands and he slowly skate

Later I was getting the hang of it and he noticed he slowly let go and I was skating on my own, we skate side by side throughout the whole rink until we both are tired

"You want to rest for a bit" I asked him "Yeah sure" then we sit at the bench, as we were catching our breath I stomach rumbled, and y/n let out a cute chuckle "guess someone is hungry" I pouted "come on lets go eat, there's a diner nearby" We put aside our skates and head to the diner and picked our seat in the secluded seat "Oh Welcome y/n" a women in her mid thirties said "Hey auntie"

"so what would you both lovebird have" I blushed at her statement "Umm I would have the ramen" and she wrote it down "what about you hun" she asked "Umm the same thing" She nodded and went to the kitchen

We chatted for awhile then food arrived, after we're all finished I was about to pay but he beat me to it "You pay earlier and know it's my turn" He said, then we hailed a cab then head to my dorm "Hey thanks Chae, I really had a great time" He smiled "you're welcome" I was about to go but he called me "Hey wait a minute" I turned around and faced him, he walked closer to me and my heart was beating so fast, the next thing was amazing

He pulled down my mask a little bit to show my lips and kissed me, and I swear his lips are so soft, my heart is beating so fast it could jump right out of my chest, it felt like the whole world was standing still

He broke the kiss and I already missed it and pulled back up my mask "See you later Princess" He said leaving and giving me a wink "Bye Bear"

I yelled and head inside my dorm "Oh hey Chaeng where have you been" Jihyo unnie asked "Oh I went out with a friend" I told her "Oh okay" She nods "Do you want to eat" Sana offered "Oh I already ate, and I'm tired so I'm going to bed" they nod but when I went passed mina she smirked


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