18. Naughty

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Tzuyu POV

I feel kinda bad for leaving Chaeyoung behind, then again she did leave without telling us with who so...

We just arrived at our dorm since we ate dinner outside but when we're about o enter our dorm I noticed an unfamiliar Jordan in our front door and it can't be pinky Oppa's since he has been with us, so I pulled Jihyo unnie aside

"Unnie did you know whose shoe is that" I asked and she shook her head no "Oh my God Chaeyoung" Jihyo then starts to freak out then the other member came to her and ask what's wrong she explains, and the other starts to worry

We then slowly walk in and it seems that nothing is broken or stolen but for safety percussion momo grabbed a frying pan, we slowly make our way to my room aka the maknae room

We opened the door and noticed chaeyoung was cuddling with a person and it was y/n but the other didn't know that

Just about momo was going to hit him I stopped her and motioned everyone to go outside, they gave me a are you crazy look but still followed

"What are you doing Chewy, he could've raped Chae" Jihyo said mad "No he wouldn't"

"What makes you so sure" Momo said crossing her arm "Cause he's my childhood friend and I know that I wasn't supposed to say this but Chae has been dating him" I explained and they looked shock well except Minari and jihyo unnie

"Okay, but what is his name" Sana asked "Well his name is Lee y/n" Mina suddenly said "How'd you know" I asked "Well Chae asked me an advice for her date and She told me a lot about him and he seems like a nice guy, and it's your childhood friend so I mean I trust him enough" Mina said "and I might have looked into her Texts" Jihyo unnie said

"Okay let's talk about this tomorrow when they wake up, right now let's go to sleep" Jihyo said and we nodded heading to our rooms

I changed my outfit and so does Dahyun bust she already fell asleep, I look at my side seeing the two happy couple

Chaeyoung Pov

I woke up groaning at the sudden sun light "Hey Chae wake up" A gentle voice said while kissing my forehead "Umm five more minutes" I said groaning

"Come on your members are waiting for you downstairs" I lazily opened my eyes I tried to stand up but unfortunately fell "God, you make me so sore" I whined "Sorry babe" He said helping me up

"Do I have to go downstairs" I asked "I could bring your breakfast upstairs" He said and I nodded "okay wait here Princess" He said laying me down and kissed my forehead

After that he left, a few minutes later he came in with food on a tray "Thanks Bear" I said cutely "Your welcome" He said putting the tray in front of me

I ate the food and he just watches me dearly "Aren't you going to eat" I asked "Nah, I'm not hungry" Just as he said that his stomach grumbled "Come on. Now open wide" I said scooping out some food and fed it too him

"So have you tell them about our relationship" I asked "Yeah, some of them squealed and some of them are mad that you didn't tell em" He said chuckling

"Well I might have a feeling which is which, so do you want to go downstairs " I asked "Yeah sure"

"Okay I might be feeling a little bit better let's go now" I said standing up "You sure" He asks and I nodded "Now get out I want to change" I said "I saw you naked last time you suddenly shy" He said smirking

"Alright then stay here" I said stripping off all of my clothes, that seem to cut him off guard and changed my clothes "What's wrong babe thought you already seen me naked" I said smirking, I went out the room with him following me

"You're a naughty little cub huh" He said sending chills on my spine he then went in front of me while giving my butt a playful smack as he does


Sorry for the filler chapter, I kinda want to post something until I finished the new chapter.
Again sorry. 🙏😊

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