~ Chapter 4 ~

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Chris and Sebastian had dropped the boys off at the Hemsworth household and were trying to leave to get to the restaurant.

"No!" Ben shrieked at an ear-splitting pitch. He threw himself on the floor and rolled around crying. "I don't want Mommy and Daddy to go!" Chris sighed and squatted down to his son's level.

"C'mon, baby boy, we're gonna be gone for the night. You've met Mommy and Daddy's friends before. They're very nice." Sebastian said, looking at his sons.

"No, Mommy, don't go," Hunter said, his brown eyes filled with tears. "I don't want your stupid friends. I want you and Daddy."

Ryder threw his arms around Chris. "You don't need to go, Daddy," he said. Chris peeled Ryder off his torso. "I'm sorry, kiddo. It's one night. You and your brothers will survive," Chris said, softly.

Hunter softly cried into Sebastian shirt. "Please don't go."

"Oh, pumpkin..." Sebastian said, giving Chris a look.

"No," Chris said firmly. "No manipulating Mommy. Daddy gets Mommy tonight."

Chris H picked up Hunter and tickled him. "C'mon now, I'm not all that bad, am I?" he asked the boy as he flipped him upside down. Hunter tried to stay mad but couldn't and laughed through the tears.

"I want a turn!" Ryder shouted, forgetting about his parents leaving. Chris and Sebastian quietly slipped out the door.

"Here, watch this," Tom said, turning the television on. "It'll preoccupy your minds."

Hunter raced over to the couch and planted himself in the middle of it, fixated on the movie.

Before they knew it, Chris and Sebastian had come back and the boys were sound asleep. "They weren't too much trouble now, were they?" Chris asked in a whisper, picking Hunter up and bringing him to their car.

"Oh no, they were fine," Chris H yawned. "Piece of cake," Tom, agreed, putting his arm around Chris. They watched as the Evans family drove home then went back inside and sat on the couch.

"I hope you're not that difficult, baby," Tom said to his belly, before falling asleep.


"Come on, Seb!" Chris groaned. "We're gonna be late!" The whole Evans family, except Sebastian, was ready and waiting by the door. Chris was holding Ben and Hunter who were both very squirmy but if he put them down, they would run away.

"Are you sure bringing three wild alpha boys to the OBGYN office is a good idea?" Chris asked, struggling to hold onto Hunter who was managing to escape his grasp. "Yes," Sebastian firmly said. "I want all my boys to know the gender of the baby at once. It'll be an Evans family event."

Sebastian emerged from the bathroom and they walked out the door and drove off to the office. When they got to the office, Chris, Hunter, Ryder, and Ben sat down in the waiting room while Sebastian signed himself in.

"You excited?" Chris asked, mostly to Sebastian. He put his hand on Sebastian's knee when he sat down.

"I mean, yeah, I'm looking forward to taking care of someone who still needs me and isn't embarrassed by me," Sebastian answered, looking at Ryder. "I said I was sorry, Mom!" Ryder said, putting his hands up in defense.

"I know you did, kiddo, I'm just teasing you," Sebastian chuckled.

"C'mon, Seb. They all love you! They all depend on you so much! Hunter'll be living with you until he's 50, isn't that right, kiddo?" he said, grinning down at Hunter.

"Yeah, I wanna live with Mommy for forever," he said, standing up and climbing onto Sebastian's lap.

"See? If he had his way, he'd still be breastfeeding from you," Chris laughed, messing with Hunter's hair.

"Evans?" a doctor called out, holding a clipboard and writing something down.

"Okay, boys, let's go," Chris said, standing up and adjusting his grip on Ben.

The five of them made their way into a back room and then nurse brought Sebastian into a different room where he was weighed, measured and examined. He then brought Sebastian back into the room and typed something on his laptop and pulled up a photo of the ultrasound.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mr. Evans," he said, showing them the picture. "You're having twins."

this chapter is a bit shorter than I wanted it to be but I wanted to leave you on a cliff hanger (because I'm super mean like that)

but anyways, I hope you enjoyed this, check me out on Tumblr and Ao3: JS3639

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