~Chapter 5~

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"Twins," Chris breathed. They were driving back home and Ben was crying about not being the youngest member of the family anymore. "Shut up, Benji," Ryder sighed. "You're still the youngest brat."

That set Ben off even more.

"Hey," Chris said sternly, looking in the review mirror at Ryder. "Do not be mean to your brother."

"Sorry, Ben," Ryder said with an eye-roll.

Chris pulled into the garage and they all went inside. Sebastian sat down on the couch, ignoring the boys who were fightingp0 about who got control of the TV remote and Chris went into the kitchen to make himself some tea.

"Want any, Sebby?" he asked, glancing over at his husband. "Yeah, sure," he said, prying the remote out of the boys' hands. "C'mon, Mom!" Ryder protested. "We weren't fighting! We were uh, debating about what show to watch!"

"Uh, yeah you were," Sebastian said, laughing. "Go play outside you three. You've spent enough time rotting your brains on this digital garb."

"Mom, don't be one of those parents! C'mon! You're young! You're supposed to be cool and let us do whatever we want!" Ryder said as Sebastian guided him and his brothers outside to the backyard.

"Well, just because I'm young, doesn't make me cool, I guess," Sebastian grinned, closing the sliding glass door behind him. He watched the boys from inside and then sat down on the couch, where Chris handed him a mug of tea.

"You feeling okay?" he asked, taking a sip of his tea. "Yeah, I just... I don't know how we're gonna take care of five kids. I mean, it's already difficult with three, especially Benji because he's still in this stupid biting phase-"

"Exactly! It's just a phase!" Chris said, drawing circles on Sebastian's belly with his fingers. "Oh God, just think about how big I'll get with two babies in me," Sebastian whined.

"I know, you'll be so fucking sexy, I don't know how I'll manage," Chris said sarcastically. He proceeded to rub and kiss Sebastian's bump. Sebastian blushed a light pink. "Stop it, Chris. You're so childish," he laughed.

"And these," he softly moaned, as he blindly cupped Sebastian's pectorals. "Will get so full of milk, I won't be able to keep my hands off of you. They'll get stupid heavy."

Sebastian felt his face heat up as he blushed a deeper shade of red.

"I think that it's a sign," Sebastian said, pushing Chris off of him. "I think nature wants us to have girls. Or, at least a girl."

Chris laughed. "I think nature thinks we aren't producing babies fast enough."

"No, really! We haven't had girls yet! This is definitely a sign!"

"I only make boys! I think it's an Evans thing because both my sisters and Scott have all male children. I think it's a curse."

"Speaking of babies, here comes Benji," Chris murmured, scooping his youngest son up. "Dada! Stop!" Benji squealed with laughter as Chris lifted his shirt up and blew a raspberry on his belly. "On that note, Daddy, can you run to the bakery?" Sebastian asked Chris, a hand on his belly.

"For what, your weird cravings?" Chris raised an eyebrow.

"The gender reveal cake, we need two."

"We're really gonna do this crap?" Chris snorted, putting Benji on the floor. Hunter and Ryder came in and ran up to the couch, snuggling up to Sebastian. "Hi my babies," Sebastian murmured into their hair. Benji crawled into the couch and sat on what was left of Sebastian's lap.

"You did agree, Chris," Sebastian said, rubbing circles onto Benji's back. Benji proceded to suck on his thumb. Ryder saw that and plucked his brother's thumb out of his mouth. "DOn't be a bad baby," he scolded. "Bad habit."

Benji bit his brother's hand as it lifted his thumb out of his mouth. "Ouch! That makes you a super bad baby," Ryder said, flicking his baby brother. Benji's face scrunched up and he started to cry slow soft tears.

"Ryder! What did we tell you about doing stuff like that?" Chris said, picking his oldest son up. "They are both bad habits that we shouldn't encourage, buddy," Sebastian said, mostly to Chris and Benji but Ryder nodded his head.

"I'm ambivalent about it," Chris sighed, flipping Ryder upsidedown so his shirt slipped up. Hunter saw this opportunity to tickle his older brother and he did so and attempted to blow a raspberry on his brother's stomach which ended up making his drool all over his shirt.


"SEBASTIAN!" Chris was holding Ryder who was covered in mud, his once white t-shirt now a dull brown color.

"Why is there a dog in the house?" Chris had gone upstairs to take a shower but instead, in his and Sebastian's bathroom, there was a mutt of some sort. He was a light reddish brown and his underside was white.

"I told you, Daddy, I found him outside!"

"Well, your mother is gonna get so bent out of shape when he sees the bathroom in its current state," Chris said, looking for Sebastian. He finally found Sebastian in the garage, trying to fix his car. "Babe, can you come here a minute?"

"It's making a funny noise," he said, wiping his greasy hands on a rag.

"What kind of noise? What were you doing?"

"Driving," Sebastian snarked.

"Well, I got that far, but what specifically were you doing, turning, braking, parking-"

"Breaking, about to park."

"Well, that's a start, babe," Chris sighed, putting Ryder down. He walked to the front of the car and looked under the hood.

"Do you think we need to take it to a mechanic?" Sebastian asked, rubbing Chris' back.

Chris let his voice trail off, deep in thought. "I dunno."

"Mommy! The doggie escaped!" Hunter screamed. He came running into the garage, his shirt had dots of dirt and mud on it, and he was wet.

"What happened to you, kiddo?" Sebastian asked, picking him up. "The puppy was in the bathtub and he jumped out, and he shook himself then ran out of the bathroom."

"Is that why you're all wet and dirty, sweetie?"

He nodded his head. "Why is there a dog running around the house?" Chris asked, impatiently. "Daddy, we found him in the backyard and he looked cold and hungry," Hunter pouted. "Please let us keep him! I'll take care of him! I'll have a fit if you don't let me keep him!" 

Chris tried to stifle a laugh, but couldn't. "You're already having a fit, little guy."

Hunter pouted again, for a new reason. "Daddy! I'm not that little!" 

"I know, I know," Chris sighed, dropping the wrench he was holding. He wiped his hands off on a rag and picked Hunter up. "But," he continued, planting a kiss on his temple, "you'll always be our baby." Sebastian kissed his other temple. "That's right, baby. You and your brother, no matter how old you are, are my babies."

I dunno where this was going, I wrote the draft and then left it half-written and then came back to it so I kind of forget where my ideas went. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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