~Chapter 3~

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Warnings: drinking and getting drunk (but I don't go into too much detail about it)

"I don't know- shit!" Chris angrily said, lifting up his foot up to check what he stepped on. He peeled a LEGO brick off his foot and put it on the coffee table. He continued storming around the living room, Sebastian following him.

"Babe, please," Sebastian said, rubbing his hand on his belly. The baby inside him was growing. Sebastian wasn't used to the extra weight and making his life very difficult.

"Okay okay," Chris calmed down a bit. "I'm sorry, there's this thing at work that really stressing me out and- Hunter! stop tormenting Benji!" He grabbed his youngest son and cradled him.

After what seemed like breaking the fifteenth fight in that hour, Chris had had it. He grabbed his keys and wallet and headed toward the door.

"Babe," Sebastian said, worry filling his voice. "Chris, honey, sweetheart, where are you going?"

"I dunno," Chris admitted. "Daddy, are you leaving us?" Ryder asked, his eyes watery with tears. Chris squatted down so Ryder could hug him. "No, I'll never leave you, Hunter, Benji or Mommy. I love you all so, so much. Daddy just needs to take a break," he whispered into his son's ear.

"You promise?" Ryder asked his Dad. Chris held Ryder out at arm's length so they made eye contact. "Yes. I promise, kiddo. I'll be back."

Sebastian walked over to his alpha and wrapped his arms around him. "Just please come back sober," he whispered into his partner's ear. Chris returned the hug but didn't answer him and left.

He went to a bar and texted the Hemsworths to meet up with him. Once they got there, the three of them ordered a round of shots, three for each of them. "Never have I ever..." Chris H's voice trailed off in thought. "Said 'I love you' just to get laid," he slurred.

"Shit. Fuck you, babe," Tom said, downing the shot. He flipped the shot glass over and then thought of something to say. Tom was already pretty wasted because he had a few drinks in between the shots.

"You're a lucky bitch, Evans," he laughed. "Have you seen your kids? They're fucking amazing."

Chris laughed. He had only had one shot and wasn't close to drunk in the slightest. "They're a handful, Tom," he chuckled. "But after four, I don't know what we're gonna do. I work full time and Seb is a stay-at-home mom. I mean, yeah, he works at home but he doesn't make too much money..." he trailed off.

"Tom, stop drinking," Chris H said, taking the shot glass out of his omega's hand. "You're pregnant with a baby." He rubbed his partner's flat belly.

It was well past ten o'clock when Chris drove them home because Tom was too drunk and Chris H was passed out from staying up too late too many nights. He pulled into the driveway and let himself into their house, Chris H and Tom following him.

Chris H and Tom make their way to their bedroom and Chris drove home. When he got home, he didn't even bother changing his clothes, he just fell sound asleep in his jeans.


"Wake up, Ryder," Sebastian said, softly. He nudged his son's shoulder until he moaned from tiredness. "C'mon, kiddo, it's time to get up. Go get ready for school"

"Ugh, Mom, just let me sleep," Ryder said, pulling the blanket over his head. "Get up," Sebastian said, pulling the blanket back, off his son. "Fine," Ryder groaned, pulling himself out of bed. Chris walked into the boy's bathroom and started to untangle the knots in Hunter's hair. 

"Ow, Daddy! Stop! You're hurting me!" Hunter whined. "How does this even happen to you overnight?" Chris muttered to himself. When he finished with Hunter he went into Ben's room and picked him up, then brought him downstairs to where Sebastian was making breakfast.

"Hi, baby boy," Sebastian said, reaching a hand out to rub Ben's back. He kissed Chris on the cheek and then continued cooking the eggs. Ryder and Hunter ran down the stairs. "I beat you!" Ryder cheered.

"You did not!" Hunter screamed, shoving his body into his older brother. Ryder pushed his brother to the floor. Hunter lept up and was about to tackle Hunter when Chris walked in. "That's enough from both of you. Do not start this shit," he groaned. 

"You said a bad word," Ryder said, pointing at Chris. "Today, Daddy's allowed to say bad words," Chris replied. "Hey, babe, can you get the boy's lunches ready?" Sebastian asked, dishing out the eggs onto plates. 

Chris got out bread, ham, and cheese to make sandwiches, wrapped the sandwiches in tin foil and then put them in lunch boxes. "Okay, kiddos, eat fast because I need to get to work and you need to get to school in ten minutes."

Sebastian watched the Chris, Hunter, and Ryder get in the car and pull away from the curb, then sat down on the couch, watching Ben color. "Hey Benji Boo," he said. "It's been a long time since it's been this quiet, huh?"

Ben nodded his head, not looking up from his drawing. Sebastian let out a soft chuckle and rubbed his belly. Seven months left, then his chaotic life would become even more chaotic. 

He smiled to himself, watching Ben color. There were a million things that needed to be done around the house but he was happy watching Benji color.

When 2:30 finally came around, Sebastian watched the bus stop at the corner of their street. "Mommy!" Hunter shouted as he flew down the bus's stairs. He hugged Sebastian as tightly as he could, trying to wrap his arms around him and grab his other hand but Sebastian's belly was too big and he couldn't.

"Hi, buddy, how was your first day?" he said, ruffling the boy's hair. "It was good! We have a fish tank in the classroom," he replied. "Hey, Ry, how was your day?" Sebastian said, kissing the top of his son's head. 

"Mom, stop, you're embarrassing me!" Ryder said, but he kissed his mother on the cheek and gave him a hug, anyway. Ryder poked his brother's butt with his toe. "Ryder, stop it! You were doing this to me all day! Cut it out!" Hunter huffed. 

Hunter tried to launch himself at his brother but he sprinted inside. "Mommy, tell Ryder to stop being a jerk," Hunter said, looking up at his mom. "Don't call your brother a jerk, Hunt. He's just stressed out from his first day of school," Sebastian sighed. 

"I missed you, Mommy," Hunter said, burring his face in Sebastian's belly. "Mommy's mine," Benji said firmly, wedging himself in between his brother and Sebastian.


"I'm home!" Chris called out, throwing his keys in the key bowl next to the door. He dropped his bag next to the door and loosened his tie, dropping it next to the bag. "Dad!" Ryder shouted, sprinting toward his father. "Daddy!" his other two sons came sprinting toward him, launching themselves at their dad. "Hey, it's Hurricane Evans," Chris laughed, ruffling each boy's hair.

Sebastian was cooking dinner, muttering about whatever. "Hey, babe," Chris said, wrapping his arms under Sebastian's like a full Nelson, but he rubbed his omega's ever-growing belly. Sebastian ducked out from his partner's arms. 

Chris cocked his head. "Are you mad at me? What'd I do?" Chris asked, frustration bubbling up inside him. "Not with you, with life," Sebastian sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"I think," Chris said, pulling Sebastian in for a kiss. "I think that you, Sebastian Evans, should have a break from the kids. We can do it tonight. I'll call Tom and Chris and they can watch the kiddos while we go out and say... watch a movie and have dinner?" Chris suggested.

"That sounds amazing," Sebastian said, his stress from the day melted away as he kissed Chris. "Plus," Chris added, with a laugh. "It'll be good for them. Tom's pregnant. They'll get to know what it's like to raise monsters."

"You're so evil, Chris," Sebastian grinned. "But let's do it!"

Also, happy birthday to me :)

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