Chapter 8 - Forgotten Memories

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“A dance party?” Yuki questioned innocently as we walked through the hallways in break time.

“You forgot about it?” Yori questioned. Great… now I feel like Yuki, I didn’t even know there was a dance party at this school.

“Ah… I’m not really interested in dancing with anybody…” Yuki sweat dropped “More than that, I feel depressed about the final exam that’s coming up. Right, Zero?”

“You have really forgotten it… Traditional Cross Academy’s dance party… the rule is that the class that does the poorest on the final exam before the party is forced to help the dance party’s backstage preparation…” Yori said the aura around her spelling out depressed.

“I’m worried, Miss Yuki Cross. You are always lowering my class’ average score… not even both Tanaka-san’s and Kiryuu-kun’s high scores…” a harsh voice said from behind. Oh god… not him again. He’s always on Yuki’s back about her study and test scores.

“Class Chairman… That’s a cruel thing to say…” Yori said to the tall male with glasses behind us.

“The dance party is a formal, in which the Day Class and the Night Class can attend together…” Wait! What?! “If I lose an opportunity to dance with Ruka-san from the Night Class, I’ll hate you forever…” he said cruel with a glare.

“Oh, no… I better study hard like hell…” Yuki said worriedly. Yuki and Yori began talking about Yuki’s studies for the exam.

“Zero” he glanced over to me “Tell me… Do I have to go the dance party if they are coming?” I pretty much pouted. Zero let out a small chuckle. That’s what I was aiming for. Zero had been glomming since seeing that new Night Class student last night.

“Unfortunately, since we are Guardians we do have to go” Zero replied. I let out frustrated sigh. Then Zero and I’s attention was caught by something coming this way through the trees. Vampires…

“You can’t go that way!” someone yelled out “Day Class is still there at this time, Maria” Ichijou yelled as Kurenai ran around the school grounds “I think this is going to be a big problem. Oh, man!”

“How exaggerating! I just want to have a look at the cafeteria” Kurenai giggled as she skipped around. I noticed her glance at our job. There’s that look again. I noticed Zero’s eyes widen. What’s going on? What is it with her?

“We better go after them” I sighed and went to run after them but something grabbed my arm. “Zero… what’s wrong…?” I asked concerned. Something was defiantly wrong. It wasn’t normal of Zero to act this way.

“Don’t go near that new student. Leave her alone, that Vice President will do something” Zero said with concern. What’s going on? I nodded hesitantly. Then Aidou came and began hugging Yuki to tease the other girls into hating her. I sighed. Great… more beasts to join the party…

“May I talk to you for a moment, Aidou-sempai?” Zero questioned. What?!

“Huh, that’s good. I wanted to have a few words with you, too” Aidou replied. What the hell is going on?!

“Zero… what’s-” I was cut off by Zero.

“Yuki… Fate… Be careful with ‘Maria Kurenai’” his eyes stayed on me as he said his something is defiantly wrong, really wrong. They both turned and walked away.

“It’s you who should be careful not to fight!” Yuki yelled back to him.

“I know” he replied not turning back.

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