Chapter 5

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One week later...

Francis awoke to the sound of James crying. It was still dark outside, and pale moonlight shown into the room through a gap in the curtains. Mary was exhausted and still sleeping peacefully so Francis slowly climbed out of bed and crept over to James's crib. Francis picked James up and held him to his chest, rocking him gently.

"It's okay." Francis whispered "it's okay." Francis kissed the top of James's head and he slowly fell back asleep. Francis sighed and realised that Mary had woken up and was gazing at him, her eyes tired but a big smile across her face. 

"You are already an amazing father." She moved the bed covers back so Francis could get back in. "James clearly loves you." 

"He loves you too." Francis proper himself up with a pillow and cuddled James. "You are an amazing mother. We make a good team." Mary leaned over and kissed Francis's cheek, then James's head. 

"My two boys." She smiled. 

The next morning...

Mary woke up and looked over to James. He was still asleep. Mary sighed, her first week as a mother had been exhausting. She put her head back on her pillow, hoping for some more rest, but James started crying. Mary went over to him and fed him. Francis woke up and saw Mary feeding James and smiled.

"Have you been awake long?" He rubbed his eyes sleepily. Francis had been awake for every one of James's night feeds to keep Mary company.

"A few minutes." She smiled. "We should get up now anyway. Today is his first appearance in French court." 

"Everyone will love him. He is the heir to the throne after all." Francis grinned and climbed out of bed.

A few hours later...

Mary cuddled James closed to her chest. She was nervous about showing James to everyone, she has enjoyed just the three of them alone, she didn't know if she was ready to share him. Mary must have looked anxious, because Francis rubbed her arm reassuringly. She smiled at him and made sure James's blankets were in the right place, it was early spring but the air was crisp. 

"Welcome, the King and Queen of France, and their son, Prince James." Mary and Francis walked into the throne room to the sound of applause. Everyone was trying to see the new Prince, but Mary kept him close. 

Throughout the morning many people shared their congratulations with the King and Queen. Mary let some people hold her son, but was still nervous about letting everyone touch him. He seemed so fragile and she didn't want anything bad to happen to him. But she also knew this anxiousness was something she was going to have to get used to.

The throne room quietened down, and Catherine walked in to see her Grandson for the first time. She took him from Mary's arms and smiled.

"He looks like you Francis." She stroked James's head gently. "But he has your eyes Mary." Francis and Mary smiled, they knew how much their child meant to Catherine. 

"He's more perfect than I could have ever imagined." Mary sighed. 

"I know that feeling." Catherine replied looking and Francis and smiling.

"I hope you are helping her Francis" Catherine said, somewhat stern. Before Francis could argue, Mary responsed.

"He's been brilliant. I couldn't wish for a better husband." She gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Francis smiled at her, and thought about how beautiful she looked in the sunlight. 

"I shall retire now, I'm rather tired." Mary gave Francis and knowing look. She took James off Catherine and left the throne room, Francis following. 

Mary placed James in his crib and turned around to Francis. She cupped his head with her hands and kissed him passionately. Francis walked her over to their bed, returning her kiss.

Sorry there has been so long between chapters, I've been super busy.

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