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daniel sat at the table along with zach on the fifth floor. jack was getting his check ups with jonah. he couldnt stop thinking about the boy we crashed into earlier today.

midnight black hair. gorgeous green eyes. a pearly white smile.

"damn." daniel mumbled aloud, enough to make zach turn his way.

"what was that danny?" zach quizzed, making his friend look up at him.

"n-nothing-! i uh- when is jack coming?" daniel fiddled with his fingers as he switched the subject, making zach stare at him for a few.

"in a few. maybe five minutes." zach estimated as he let out a very dramatic sigh into the air. the older brunette nodded and fiddled with his fingers, his mind going back to nikalas.


jack silent quietly in the chair he was in. jonah was running his daily tests in the padded room.

"you know, you smell like mangos jonah." jack suddenly said, keeping his head low as he stared blankly at his hands.

"thank you, i think?" jonah let out a soft chuckle, slowly sticking jack with the sterilized needle. jack did flinch at the pinch, but mostly stayed still. jonah then put the little cap back on the now empty needle and put it in a plastic bag with a toxic symbol on it. the words 'hazardous' on it also.

jonah stood up from his position and as he was walking away, jack grabbed his wrist, making the other doctors behind the one sided window worried for jonah.

jack's caretaker looked back at him, raising a brow.

"let go jack."

the look in jacks eyes screamed fear, pain, and insanity all at once. his grip tightens as he stared into jonah's eyes. "you dont know what they put in those needles-"

"patient 212 let go."one of the doctors demanded through the intercom.

jack then stood up so fast his chair almost tipped over. he pulled jonah back to him, keeping the sharp eye contact.

"it isnt medicine jonah."jack spoke calmly, his voice shaky.

"patient 212 stand down."

jonah had a scared expression, standing where he was, stiff. "what do you mean, jack?" jack shook his head slowly, letting out a shaky breath.

"dont trust them." his tightens more, his nails digging into jonah's wrist, making him wince.

"jack stand down now!"

two guards came in and pulled jack off of jonah harshly, triggering Jack's screams. jonah slowly back away, watching jack thrash around, trying to escape the guards' grip.

"you bastards! i know what you are doing to me! i know you hear me through that damn glass!" laura grabbed jonah and pulled him out the room, onto the other side of the glass. jack's voice screams through the intercom.

the bodies..

"i need to go. i'm sorry."jonah told laura and walked out the room, down the hallway and out the building its self. he didnt even bother clocking out. he quickly unlocked his car and got in, driving off. he took a glance at his wrist and saw blood trailing down it, dripping onto his seat.

"dammit jack."he mumbled as he drove down the mostly empty road.

almost 45 minutes later, he was back in the city and stopped at a cafe. not caring if people saw his arm, he sat in a booth, waiting for someone to take his order.

tate, who works in the cafe, saw jonah and the red blood down his arm. her eyes widened and quickly but casually walked over to jonah's booth with a stack of napkins.

"what the hell jonah, i told you to be careful." she slid into the seat across from him and gently grabbed his wrist, wrapping napkins around it to stop the bleeding. jonah didnt look up,  his mind at just racing at 100 miles per second.

"jo, what happened?"she grabbed his other hand and placed it on the napkins to keep them in place, then lifting his chin.

"please get me coffee first, my usual. please." jonah asked in a scared and worried tone. tate sighed and nodded, sliding out the booth and went around the counter to the back to make his beverage.

jonah went back to his thoughts, jack's words repeating over and over. then he thought back to the bodies he saw. the capsules. a shiver ran down his back at the thought of them.

five minutes later, tate came back with his iced coffee and set it on the table, sliding back into the booth. jonah lets go of his napkin covered wrist and pulls the drink to him, sipping it silently. tate watches her friend, he has never seen him this scared in a while.

once jonah took a few sips he put his drink to the side, letting out a sigh. "now tell me, what happened." tate pressed.

"tate, i think something is wrong with the asylum.  they are doing something to the patients.  i saw this capsule things with patients in them. they werent dead, but, i dont think they were alive either. like they were in a coma. and then jack told me that the 'medicine I have been giving him isnt medicine."jonah rambled.

"hold on hold on jo. so you're telling me, that the medicine could be  poison? and they are preserving bodies?" tate was now also scared when jonah nodded.

she stayed quiet for a second, thinking. "i'm clocking out, im gonna take you to my house so we can talk in a more private place. just stay right here while I get my stuff okay?"

jonah only nodded and watched her leave again.


this is shit. like
I'm gonna edit this later
i have just been really busy.
sorry for typos

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2019 ⏰

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