Birth and a War

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It's a beautiful, peaceful day on the island of Ianarea. In a small house not far from the dock, Ianite sleeps heavily in the living room. Mianite is in the kitchen next to the door, chopping lettuce and washing tomatoes. Ianite begins to slowly awaken, and carefully walks over near Mianite. She gives a big yawn and her brother turns slightly.

"Good morning sister! How was your rest?" Mianite says cheerfully.

"Very well brother, thank you," Ianite nods. "What are you making?" she asks wonderingly.

"Why, your morning salad of course!" he replies. He opens a cupboard slightly above his right side. It's empty inside.

"Oh, dear looks like were out of vegetables." he says dissapointed. "I'll have to fetch over some more from the market down the way."

As soon as he starts to grab the basket next to the door, she walks over and takes it from him.

"No brother, let me." she smiles.

He stands puzzled for a moment. "Are you sure? You could be due any day now and you need your rest!" he says worried.

She looks down at the growing baby within her. "I'll be fine brother, besides, it's only down the way, and I won't be gone long." she smiles once more.

He gives a concerned look, then nods reassuringly. She grabs a small brown bag from the shelf next to the door and heads out of the house. She walks down to a small farmer's hut and stops at a window. A sweet farm girl with a brown hat and orange plaid shirt walks up from the inside.

"Oh, Howdy Ianite! What can I do for ya?" The farm girl asks.

Ianite places the basket on the counter. "Hi Applejack, some of my usual vegetables please?"

"No problem ma'am. I'll have those for ya in a jiffy!" Applejack says. She takes the basket off the shelf and walks away. "Yo Pinkie! Ianite needs her usual, get to it!" she yells in the distance.

Ianite places the small sack on the counter and waits. While she's waiting, she feels a strange pain in her lower stomach. She holds her big belly and looks down. The pain goes away as soon as it came. She gives a confused stare. Hopefully, it's not time yet.

Applejack returns with the basket, but it's filled with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and even a golden apple. "There you go, ma'am. I'm sorry it took so long."

"That's no problem." Ianite smiles. She opens the sack. "How much is it?"

"Oh, no need, this one's on the house. Consider it a gift for the future little one." Applejack replies. She gives a wink.

"Thank you. I appreciate it so much." Ianite says cheerfully.

"No problem. Come again soon! And good luck." Applejack says, waving as Ianite leaves.

She begins walking down the path, the basket swinging back and forth. She gets to a tree not far from the house when all of a sudden a sharp pain hits her entire torso. She falls in pain, dropping the basket in turn. She grabs her stomach and winces in more pain.

"Brother!!" she yells in pain.

Mianite, who was washing dishes, hears her and runs out of the house to help her. He kneels next to her.

"What happened?! Are you ok??" he shakes.

She winces in more pain and grabs the side of the tree for support. "It's time! The baby's coming!!" she struggles.

"What?! It can't be! You're not ready!!" he says frantically.

She yells in pain, leaning against the tree. He lifts her up and helps her inside. He then lays her in the bed and covers her in her blanket. She starts breathing heavily.

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