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Ianite is taken to a stone tower far off in the middle of the ocean. Dianite takes Ianite to a dungeon room and chains her to a stone pillar with a torch atop. She slowly starts to wake up and scans her surroundings. There's barely anything in the room except for a small table with a candle, a window not far from her reach, and Dianite standing with his arms behind his back looking down on her.

"Rise and shine dearest sister." Dianite says.

Ianite gives him a death glare. "You don't have to do this. Please, find mercy within yourself and set me free. I'm still your sister, you would never harm me." Ianite pleads.

"That is true, you are my sister, but as far as you know, I am "pathetic" and a known killer. Mercy? Hah! That isn't even in my vocabulary. I want your heart for power. I want to rule that sweet island you call "The World of Mianite" and claim it's inhabitants as my slaves. I must say, you were very weak when you tried to attack me earlier. Nevertheless, I will always be more powerful than both you and Mianite combined. So I must ask, what caused this 'loss of power', hm?" Dianite gleams at her.

Ianite stares right into his cold, deep red eyes. "I will never tell you my whereabouts or anything about my life you twisted cold bastard!" Ianite yells desperately, tears beginning to run down her face.

"My, what a compliment. I'm assuming that's because I admitted I would be more than willing to kill you. Well then, I suppose I could do most of the piecing together, let's see.." Dianite says.

He begins to walk back and forth across the room thinking of anything he saw or heard that could have caused her weakness. He does want her heart at full strength, so finding the root of it will surely help bring it to full health.

He begins to think about the event unfold at the house. How Sparklez was helping her somehow, how in pain Ianite was, how Mianite did everything in his power to keep him away from both of them, and how he remembers hearing something cry coming from within the house. He begins to realize what's happened.

"Hold on... Did you? No.. it can't be.. you have no relations, at least, none I know of.. unless.. yes... Yes, it is true then! You just had a child, didn't you?!" Dianite states, astonished.

Ianite panics on the inside and swallows. "Absolutely not! I could never! We know it's forbidden to have relations with a mortal!" Ianite's gaze is fearful and panicked.

"Ah, there it is. It is confirmed. You have a child. I will have to deal with it at another time. For now, you must rest. Your heart must be at full power before I cut it from within your chest and lock it away so no mere mortal can bring you back! There will be no balance, no Mianite. Only Me!" Dianite gives an evil-ish laugh and exits the room.

Ianite attempts to shake herself free from the pillar but fails. There's no way she can escape this one. She looks out the window near her. There are miles and miles of water and no sign of anything. She starts to cry and tears begin streaming down her face. She lost everything, her brother, her daughter, her follower, and now, herself once she regenerates her health.

Then it hits her. Dianite doesn't know who or what her daughter looks like. Maybe, when she grows older, she can defeat Dianite, and save the world from his grasp. She tries her hardest to build power in her hands and shoots whatever she has left through the window and out the sea, and falls asleep not long after.

The next morning, Dianite slaps her in the face, waking her up. "Rise and shine sister." Dianite states with joy in his tone and a stupid grin on his face.

Ianite glares at him sleepily. She should have had plenty of time to recover from yesterday's events.

"I believe it's time. Your heart will make me so powerful, our brother won't stand a chance." Dianite states.

He unchains her from the pillar and takes her to another room. There's a bloody table and shackles. Dianite sets her on said table and cuffs her to it. Then he lifts some power from her to ensure she is at full health. Once he does, he looks straight at her bright purple eyes.

"Any last words, dear sister?" Dianite asks with such certainty.

Ianite closes her eyes and opens them towards the ceiling.

"I shall see you again, my precious child." Ianite answers and closes her eyes.

With those last, final words, Ianite is struck in the chest, and killed by Dianite.

A Rainbow is Born: A Mianite StoryWhere stories live. Discover now