The Memory

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Rainbow is in her basement, prepping the room for the ritual she found in a book courtesy of the Wizards. Sparklez has explained everything to the others and now are racing back to her house to begin.

They all meet downstairs. The room is dark, with purple-lit candles and a purple crystal around Rainbow's neck. She hands Sparklez a similar crystal. The others stand around her in a circle.

"Now, I need everyone to know that the crystals around mine and Dads- i mean, Sparklez necks prevent us from being seen in the memory. Since you guys don't have one, i suggest you stay out of sight. Am i clear?" Rainbow announces to the dim room.

"Wait a minute, i thought you said this was a memory, not a trip to the past." Tom states.

"Well, You called it a memory When i told you about it, so i'm calling it that. But Yes, We are going back in time So Please don't Screw up. Anyways, are we ready?" Rainbow Glances to everyone.

"Tom, You had better not do anything Stupid, i don't care if Dianite has any say in it!" Tucker glares to Tom

"I promise i'll Behave. But if Dianite does ask me to do something, i won't say no." Tom rebuttles, Hands innocently in the air.

After a moment, Rainbow chants some words written in the book. The room slowly spins and transforms into what appears to be a grey stone bridge. The crystals around Rainbow and Sparklez' necks start to glow a shade of purple.

"We're Here." Rainbow says, Awe in her voice.

"This feels Familiar..." Tucker says subtly.

They start to walk into the town ahead of them. Brown buildings with purple shingled roofs pass them by, the sun gleaming on their heads.

"This looks like Ianarea, Where Ianite's Kingdom is..." Sparklez says before realizing his words.

"Wait, guys, are you thinking what I'm thinking?!" Tucker asks.

They stop alongside two houses. Looking in, they see the one to their right is active with Mianite, cooking vegetables and cutting them smiling in the window.

"Why is Mianite living in a Normal House? Where's his Temple?" Tucker asks confused

"Maybe he likes the mundane?" Sparklez replies just as curious.

They sneak to the side of the house and peer into a side window, noticing Ianite, Pregnant and asleep in a nearby bed.

"Mom..." Rainbow says quitely with tears in her voice.

"Oh My God. Your mother is Ianite?!" Tom Yells slightly surprised.

Tom is immediately hushed. All but Rainbow and Sparklez duck to Mianite looking toward the window they were in. He shrugs and goes back to his cutting.

"Sorry, i forgot! I just.. I don't believe it." Tom says, whispering.

"Let's just hope that didn't change anything." Tucker says also in a whisper.

"That's what the crystals are also for. They gleam red if something you do causes something to change." Rainbow says looking at her crystal. It still shines purple.

"That means were ok. Thank god." Tucker whispers with relief.

"Alright guys, keep it down. I think Ianite is waking up." Sparklez says motioning to Ianite stirring.

All is the same as Ianite gets up to go to the market instead of Mianite and The others follow closely behind her.

They hide by some nearby buildings and watch as she feels the pain in her belly while she waits for food.

"Um guys, from what I know, that's not a good sign." Tucker says, whispering.

"She's about to have the baby! Well, technically Rainbow now that we know." Tom whispers excitingly.

"Why do you sound so excited? I thought you craved destruction and chaos?" Tucker asks

"Hey, i said i was going to behave and i am! Get off my case, Tucker!" Tom rebuttles again before being shushed again.

Rainbow and Sparklez watch as Ianite grabs her vegetables and starts heading back home. They follow her once again until she falls to the floor in pain. All but Rainbow are shocked by the events and she pushes them in between the houses again.

"Ok then, i didn't expect her to have it this soon." Tom whispers guilty.

"From your excitement earlier, i'd say you we're." Sparklez Comments witha. smirk.

"Rainbow, your acting like you've already seen this." Tucker notices her stern demeanor and gives a concerned look.

Rainbow takes a deep breath. "I'm paying attention to whats going on. I've had this same memory, but it was a dream for me. If I'm correct, then that means..."

"Ianite! Where are you?! I just want to talk is all.." A dark voice screams in the distance.

"Shit! It's Dianite! He's gonna kill her if he finds her!" Tom whispers in a panic.

"Relax, Tom. Besides, last i checked, Rainbow is still alive." Tucker says motioning to Rainbow.

"Don't worry, everything will sort itself out. Remember, we can't change the past, but we can learn from it." Sparklez says reassuringly.

Rainbow then tells Tucker and Tom to go across the way and watch the battle unfold. Rainbow and Sparklez go inside the house and watch as Past Sparklez helps Ianite with the baby.

Tom and Tucker watch Dianite and Miante Fight to the Death, seeing Dianite crashing into the building and almost noticing ianite.

"Oh shit! You go, Mianite! Defend your sister!" Tucker says a little excited.

"As much as i wanna root for Dianite, I'm worried for Rainbow and Ianite." Tom says growing concerned.

Eventually, Ianite has the baby and Past Sparklez is handed the baby and teleported away. Everyone Watches in concern and worry as Ianite is taken away in a flurry. As Mianite Teleports away, The town begins to spin and transform back into Rainbow's basement, Right where they began. Everyone is In Shock.

"Wow, That was insane." Tom says.

"So, I really am your Dad? Guardian? Whatever you wanna call it?" Sparklez asks.

"Wait, what happened to Ianite? Where did Dianite take her?" Tucker asks.

"Probably to Steal her heart, or torture her at the least. I'm so sorry, Rainbow." Tom says putting a hand to her shoulder in sympathy.

Rainbow is silent for a long moment before turning on the lights and putting out the candles. Sparklez hands her the crystal and She puts everything away safely.

"I have questions too, Believe me. But right now, I think we've done enough for one day. Let's rest up and we'll discuss this in the morning." Rainbow explains, a sense of dread to her.

Everyone agrees and heads home. Sparklez gives Rainbow a soft hug before he leaves.

"I'm sorry about Ianite. She would be proud of you though, and me if i remembered you. Take care tonight." Sparklez says waving and walking away.

Rainbow then heads to her room and begins to cry hard into her pillow, missing her mother and Sparklez even more than she has before.

To be continued...

A Rainbow is Born: A Mianite StoryWhere stories live. Discover now