Reunion and an Island

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Its been a year tracking Sparklez down a vast ocean, on occasion checking surrounding islands. She stopped at a tiny spot of land to rest and took note which direction he was probably headed, then continued once she was fully ready. It was her birthday now, still swimming down into the never-ending blue horizon when she sees something in the distance. It was not Sparklez or a human for that matter, but it was a new island.

Excited to finally rest and hopefully save Sparklez after so long, she races towards the islands edge. As she comes up from the water, she sees a young man.

"Excuse me, sir?" She asks.

The man looks over. He's wearing what looks to be a farmer's outfit.

"Hi! Can I help you, ma'am?" The man replies in return.

"Do you have any food with you? I'm absolutely Starving." She asked.

"I might have a few spare potatoes." He replies handing her the vegetables.

"What brings you here? Haven't seen you around the island lately?" He Questioned.

"Um, I'm looking for someone. Do you know a CaptainSparklez by any chance?" She asked.

He didn't hesitate. "Of course! He's such a sweet man. I believe he went to his home tree up on the hill that way, you should be able to find him there." The man politely said, pointing to a tree that looked just like Jerry's Tree and a birch wood modern house.

"Thank you so much, what was your name again?" She asked.

"The name's Farmer Steve, at your service." He replied.

She thanked him one last time and headed for the big tree. So much was going through her mind. 'What will he say? Think? Do? Does he still remember her?' She didn't care, so long as she saw he was ok and that they would be together again.

She finally reached the front of the birch house. She knocked on the door, but no answer. She attempted to enter but the door was locked, and no sign of movement peering inside the windows. She then walked over and entered the ginormous tree beside her.

"Sparklez? Dad!? Are you here??" She called out.

No answer. Must've gone out for supplies she thought and decided to stay until he returned, Exploring the inner trunk.

"Gods, It feels almost exactly like Jerry's Tree. I guess old habits die hard." She smiles in awe.

She saw a chest and opened it to find some food. She was so hungry from travel, so she took an apple from the chest. Surely he won't mind one apple to disappear, right?

Sparklez had finally returned with his friends from a big adventure. His one friend, Tom, wasn't the friendly type. Very mischievous and hardcore, definitely a Dianite follower. Then there's Tucker, who was very trustworthy and honorable. A Very kind and wholehearted Mianitee. Sparklez found himself to be a peacemaker on the island. Never fighting unless needed and understanding of both sides. No wonder Mianite chose him to aid Ianite all that time ago.

All 3 of them walk into the tree to see Rainbow, shifting through a chest to find more food, and munched on a potato.

"Um, Hi?" Sparklez said, a little surprised.

Rainbow immediately slammed the chest. She saw them giving her a confused and surprised look. She stared at Sparklez for a moment, the others looking back confused. It was him, glasses and all.

"...Dad?!" She asked hesitant.

Everyone grew even more confused, Especially Sparklez.

"Dad? What do you mean Dad?" Sparklez Replied.

Rainbow ignored his question and ran to hug him, but Sparklez stepped back in defense. She stopped in front of him. She then took in the question he asked.

"You're My father! Come on, this isn't funny. I've been looking everywhere for you!" She states with a hint of disbelief.

"I've never met you before in my life, but its nice to meet you now." Sparklez Chuckles a but uneasy

"Wait, What do you mean looking for him? How long have you known him?" Tucker asked intrigued.

Rainbow chuckles at the question. "Since i was a baby. You mean to tell me..."

It hit her. The fire, the assasin, the broken staircase. She realized what happened.

"No, Come on...You're the man who loved and raised me for 18 years in Jerry's tree? Our Home?!...All our Adventures together, that Can't be just gone, right? Tell me you Haven't forgotten!" I plead in disbelief.

The others look to a very confused Sparklez, Completely silent.

"You don't Remember me, do you?" She asked in a sad voice.

It took a second for Sparklez to absorb what was in front of him. "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." He replied.

"You sure? She looks almost like you. Aside from the Rainbow hair, its a bit uncanny." Tom comments.

"I think she's pretty, and her story sounds interesting. What was your name again?" Tucker asked.

Realizing She was a complete stranger in their eyes, she observes her surroundings and compiles herself out of the room.

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I need to leave, Forget i was ever here." She ran, hiding her tears.

"Wait! Come Back!" Tom yelled chasing after her, but she was too far away.

"Well, I'm gonna let you handle this one. Take care!" Tucker said walking home.

Tom came back huffing from chasing after Rainbow.

"Sorry Sparklez, Shes really fast. But Holy Shit! You Have a Daughter! Must be nice!" Tom states.

"I mean, it would be if I remembered her." He said.

"Maybe go see the Wizards or Pray to Ianite. They might be able to help, I don't know. I gotta go, but good luck my dude!" Tom said, Walking away.

Sparklez stood there, completely speechless. He had no idea what had unfolded in front of him. He took a deep breath and looked in the chest she was scampering through. Only a few apples and a couple of potatoes were taken. He didn't think anything of it and went to bed, hoping this will all be settled in the morning.

A Rainbow is Born: A Mianite StoryWhere stories live. Discover now