Military Au

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   Military camps. A common thing in a world filled with war. Espacially when it's not a war with your own species, but with angels and the such. Parents of kids fourteen and up are aloud to request their misbehaving children to military camps. These children are to work along aside with people who actually want to be here. These kids are called Missbees, because of their misbehavors. 

     After three years of camp everyone, including the kids who are forced there, are giving three options. Continue to train, go on into the war, or go back home. The missbees normally have to do a test of sorts to make sure that they are good enough to go back home.

   Demons and Humans were on the same side during this war, so there were kids of both Humans and Demons at these camps. 

    A demon kid named BlackHat was one of these missbees. He was only sixteen. BlackHat had always been a trouble some child. His brith family were killed by some angel loving demons forcing him to go into fostercare. The death of his parents brought him a lot of trama. And he became angry at the world around him. His current family had signed the order to make him go to the military camp.  And here he is. 

    BlackHat came to this camp laughing. He didn't see it so much as a punishment, but more of a new challenge to overcome. He was going to show these "military guys" how much of a demon he really is.

BlackHat's pov

  We had just gotten off of the bus. My bags were in my hands like every other kid here. There were seven others. The government saw that all seven of us were too bad to be in the community. 

   We stood outside of the a building that was susposed to be the main building of this camp. Two guys were waiting for us. A guy I recongise to be our comander from when my parents signed the order to send me here. I was shown a picture of him so I knew who I was going to be spending the next three years of mylife with. The other guy seemed to only be in his twenties. 

     The comander walked over to us and stood infront of us. He wore a green suit which was common for all human comanders. His arms were behind his back. He looked like every other human comander out there.

   "As you all may know, I am comander  Ackbar. You seven will be here for the next three years, weather you leave or not after those three years is up to me. Now I wanted you seven to line up by name, When I call your name you will get into a line infront of me," he told us all. 

    We all just stare at him. He looked each of us in the eyes as if waiting for something.

    When he had locked eyes with each of us he seemed mad that no one said anything. 

    "So none of you have anything to say to that, huh?" he asked. No responce. "When I give you a comand, when I talk to you, when literally anyone higher up than you Missbees give you an order, you will always, and I mean always say 'Yes sir!' And if you think you are too good for this rule, you will be the reason that the rest of the Missbees hate you."

    "Yes sir," said one very quiet kid. The kid was small, he was a normal looking human with dirty blond hair and freakles dusting his cheeks. he seemed to have been the youngest of us all. He was probablly about fourteen or fifteen. 

    I couldn't help but laugh. And my laughter started to make everyone else laugh aswell. The 15 year old seemed extreamly uncomfortable.

   "Young demon!" the comander yelled. I turned my head. I could only assumed that he was talking about me, since I was one of two demons in the group. 

    "That's specist you know," I told him with a smirk on my face. 

    "Not exactly, I am not calling you anything inaporpriate, I am only calling you for what you are. You are young, and you are a demon. I am simply discribing you. And I will not aperiate your back talk," he tells me. I hate to admit but he was right. 

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