❖ Chapter V ❖ Losing Almost Everything ❖

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{Y/N}'s POV

Army and Gloves stared at eachother and this scenario went on for the next few minutes. I actually thought the battle would finally start, because we were finally eight fighters, but nope, nothing happened. 

I felt a strong connection between the two and somehow they turned both into a mad inkling. 

"No way ... {Y/N}? You aren't really friends with those losers, aren't you?" Army asked and made Gloves with that even more angry. Half-Rimz and Clip-Ons noticed that and hold him back. They didn't want to see a fight here, which was correct. I stood between of them and stared at Army. 

"I am friends with them and they are nice. And losers? I am rather one, and you know that, Army" I argued, making him feel embarrassed. Gloves snickered at him and teased Army with that until the limit. Luckily he calmed down, by looking at his beautiful manual and then also he refused to fight. I sighed relieved and went slowly away, while Gloves' teammates let their leader free. Actually we expected, that they would go to eachother like bulls, but they just gave eachother a death glare.
I know that they calmed down but you never know...
Rage can go back whenever it want to.

I was somehow VERY curious, why the hate between of them was so huge but on the other hand I was too scared to ask about it.
"Hmpfh... you'll see on the battlefield, who's better than us and believe me, since you're my opponent today, I won't show any kind of mercy at all. Be prepared for your first loss" he laughed maniacally, until the teleportation towards our stage went finally into reality.

Wow, that was kinda a scary encounter between the two and I was tensed, how this will evolve.

The teleportation was pure chaos but as I heard some classic noises from the nature again, I was be able to open my eyes. Amazed I looked over the stage and wanted to move.
Sadly, as I dared the first step, a barrier blocked me. It felt like I ran into a wall, so I just fell backwards on my ass.
Half-Rimz snorted but Gloves came to help me up, while placing his dualies on the side.

"Heh, you're quite clumsy for my taste but it's understandable because it's at least your first turf war" he snickered slightly, while I just groaned, out of full emberassement.
Suddenly, a countdown got yelled over the stage and as it showed zero, Gloves ran of, after he grabbed his dualies again.

"C'mon {Y/N}. Move and splat enemies, so many as you can. But most important, never stop turfing the ground" Half-Rimz spoke seriously and after he was done with his sentence, he shot a stripe with green ink next to me into the distance.
I nodded and helped them as well with my {F/W}.

Just as I expected, I had a lot of fun already at the first seconds, even tho I fell down at the first place, because of a stupid reason.

Anyways I laughed a bit and as I splatted my first enemy without any problems, I was filled with joy. It was Forge, who didn't pay attention to me and completely underestimated me.
After that, I looked around and saw Half-Rimz on a higher place.
"Yo {Y/N}. Just as an info on the side. This is the stage walleye warehouse.
An extreme long one but the width of it is instead rather just decent" he cheered down to me but that was a mistake. Just at the moment as I looked to him and the nerd to me back as well, it was a great moment, to shoot us down.
And that's exactly what happened. Deadly from the side we got splatted, both at the same time.
I totally forgot that I would live on, so I was a bit surprised, as I got back to the spawnpoint of our team.
Half-Rimz kept being a squid and superjumped to Gloves, or how this get called when you theoretically seen 'fly' to one of your teammates.

Anyways, I didn't want to risk my second life, so I swam as a squid into the center, while turfing the ground a lil bit in the human form, where no green color was. I switched many times between my two forms which felt pretty weird and over time it became really exhausting.

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