Quaem's POV - The Prisoner

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The picture at the top is Ceylon!


I shifted on my golden throne before snapping at some inferior lightning dragons to get me some food. There was a knock before my Head of Guard, Ceylon, stalked in, tail waving lazily behind him. He was a fire dragon and was blood red with orange highlights and yellow eyes. He bowed on one knee.

"Arise Ceylon"

He rose before stiffening to attention. "My Great King, finest fire dragon in all the land, today we have captured a prisoner. A rider and his dragon,".

My tail lashed out. I was bonded once. To a rider. He was soft hearted and soppy, full of wonder at him being a dragon rider and adoration at me. I disposed of him. He was weak and screamed as I dropped him as food into a Sarsian nest. He begged me to help him, shrieked as the poison began its work, eroding his liver first, then his stomach, the hydrochloric acid eating through his body faster than the poison; he stiffened in shock before giving a final gasp. I watched the light go out of his eyes. Then I let the scorpions have him.

"Go on Ceylon"

He hesitated. "The dragon had iron chains on him,".

I roared in anger. The lightning dragons sent to get me some water trembled as they came back with a trough. I lapped up some of the water.

"This is warm!" I roared in outrage. The lightning dragon closest to me trembled. I whipped out my tail and it connected to his neck with a satisfying snap. He dropped to the ground. Dead. The other lightning dragon crept forward and dragged the carcass away, out of the Throne Room.

"What type of dragon?"

"A shadow dragon sir. We took off the chains and the boy, who had white eyes, well, his eyes turned back to black and he screamed before looking at the Black Beast and whispering: so this is what you felt. He then fainted. He is now chained to Dungeon 54 whilst his dragon is curled up in the corner of Dungeon 3. Those were the only two dungeons we had available sir,".

I nodded in satisfaction as the boy was dragged in. The Fire Guards were tugging him in, their teeth in his leg to hold him before they unceremoniously dumped him on the floor, bowed low and retreated to the door. I looked at him. He was scrawny, with black eyes (And black bruises around them) and covered in cuts and scratches.

"Who are you?"

The boy glared at me before he coughed, spat out some blood onto the floor and spoke, in a voice filled with hatred and menace:

"My name is Liam, Rider of Phantom and brother to the rightful queen"

My interest aroused, I stared at him long and hard. Queen of what? He could be a useful bargaining chip.

"Queen of what?"

The boy, Liam laughed.

"The Queen of Dragons, Amy and her plasma dragon Electra".

I snorted with laughter before releasing a tongue of flame at the boy. His shrieks filled the room as the tasty aroma of burnt flesh wafted about. I licked my lips. What I wouldn't do for some brain right now. Or how about a human thigh?
"I am Quaem, King of the Dragons. The Queen of Dragons does not exist boy,".

The boy tipped his head back and laughed. "Yeah right. My sister is powerful and will overthrow you. You know the prophecy:
A huntress she shall be
The first of many to ride
A true master she could be
If she doesn't join her brother on the shadow side
Together they would rule the world
Shadow and light, side by side,
But if she rebels her destiny
A Great War, there will be
And the fates may create a new path
One where she will escape her destiny

The only way we can rule is by killing you, the usurper,".

I looked at the dragon beside him. He was jet black, with navy eyes and horns which curved forward. His legs were packed with muscle and his spines looked sharp and well cleaned.

I raised my head. "The boy will remain here until his sister attacks. Phantom!". The dragon started at his name and looked up timidly. "You will be allowed to stay here as a servant. You will not be allowed to leave the premises,".

As the boy was dragged away Ceylon came forward and directed the dragon to the servant's den.

"Shadow element,". I mused.

Ceylon nodded. "It would be interesting to see what he can do. With your permission, I would like to submit him to an elements test, see what his skill would be,".

I bowed my head. Ceylon nodded in thanks and backed away. I turned on my heel and strode to my quarters where I curled up and lay down. Memories flickered in my mind like fireflies and I knew I would memory dream tonight. I focused on my breathing, and as it evened out, the memories started.

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