Stephen's POV - Rope

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Heffres led the way. Atlas followed him, keeping a wary lookout for any dragons. We swooped down some stairs and back into the servant's area. We split up, Heffres checking one side whilst Atlas and I checked the other, the rooms were tiny, about the size of one stable in the Academy and six were meant to fit in there! There were piles of excrement and all the rooms felt damp and musty. I placed a comforting hand on Atlas' shoulder. In a different life, he could have been in here, trapped and covered in whipping scars. We walked out into another hallway - one which actually had windows and hurried along. There was a massive bang! All the glass in the windows flew inwards! I flung out my arms and wind howled through the corridor, deflecting the glass and making it crash against a rather ugly statue of a dragon. The dragons flew down the corridor, avoiding the glass and Heffres led us to a tower.

"This is the northern tower,". He announced. "Any misbehaving servants are kept here before whipping,". I ran my eyes over the numerous scars on his body before we followed him inside. It was dark, but there were no dragons. You could see chains fastened to the wall and deep gouges in the stone floor where dragons had been dragged out. The chains spread out a metre if that. Any dragon tethered to them would have been pressed, no squished against the wall in an extremely uncomfortable manner. There was a loud thunk on the wall close to where I was standing and the tower trembled. You could hear stones breaking off on the exterior.

"Let's go". Atlas commanded and we left. I couldn't help but notice the tremor of relief that went through him once we had left the room. We followed Heffres past the hatchery, methodically checking each room as we went along. We walked past more cramped, dingy empty rooms. until he reached a door on the end.

"This is where the eggs are stored,". Heffres announced, nudging open the door. Inside, rows upon rows of gleaming eggs stood on pedestals, fires burning beneath them. I could see multiple fire eggs and a few earth as well as wind, lightning and ice.

I looked out of the window, just in time to hear a huge crash. The Northern Tower, the tower we were in just a few moments ago, had fallen, the roof sliding off. Roof tiles smashed, dragons roared in pain and a green dragon darted forward, dragging an unconscious lightning dragon with it. With the smoke, I couldn't tell who it was, but my mind was drawn to the eggs as smoke wafted up from the wreckage.

"We have to get these out of here! If the building collapses, they'll be crushed! I slid off of Atlas and hurried to the eggs. The pedestals glinted as I eyed the eggs before looking at Heffres and Atlas.

"We need rope,". I said confidently. "Then we can strap the eggs to your bodies and fly out with them. Do you have any rope?".

Heffres looked puzzled. "I don't think so. If there is any, it will be in the storage room on the other side of the castle. Atlas spoke up:

"My rider and I will go,".

Heffres shook his head. "You don't know where the storage room is. I will take your rider, as he can pick up the ropes and we will get back here,". I nodded.

"It makes sense Atlas,".


I mounted Heffres and he ran to the door. As we left I glanced back. Atlas was glaring at Heffres with such intense hatred I was surprised he didn't shrivel up. With one flap, we were in the air and gliding down the hallways, past the cramped serving rooms and into a hallway I hadn't seen before.

"Heffres,". I asked, cautiously.

"Yes Stephen,".

"Why do you and Atlas dislike each other?".

"You noticed?".

"Yes,". Heffres sighed as we went past another corridor.

"Atlas and I, we're like oil and water. I never believed you could ever be happy with a human companion and said as much, when I first met him. Naturally, he got offended and since then, well, he hasn't liked me,".

"And has your opinion changed? About a rider, I mean,".

"Yes,". Heffres replied simply. And that was that. I listened to the flap of Heffres' wings as he flew down the corridors. They were quite fast, almost frantic.




We turned down a corridor, coming face to face with two Earth Dragons. I slid off of Heffres and stood by his side. One of them, a dragoness spoke:

"Do I know you? Probably not. Have you heard about the dragon rebellion? We are going to join it. I think the Queen sounds really nice. Not that I've met her or anything but still. What do you think?".

I stepped forwards:

"I am Stephen, rider of the wind dragon Atlas and one of the Queen's trusted friends. We need to find some rope. Do you know where we could get any?".

The dragons looked at each other and the male spoke, his voice slow and reassuring.

"Unfortunately, there isn't any. The only time we ever used rope is for hangings and with all of you guys gone, there wasn't anyone left to hang. Is it specifically rope you need?".

I sighed. What could we use now? I looked at the earth dragons and an idea popped into my head.

"How strong are the vines you make?".

The earth dragon thought for a moment.

"As strong as they need to be,".

The earth dragons created vine nets to hang beneath the bellies of all the dragons, including them. I stashed the eggs in them and we slowly headed towards the nearest exit. The castle trembled as a lightning blot soared through the empty window. We all jumped back as a dragon hit the outside wall. I yelled in pain as I slipped on the glass. Atlas leapt forwards and, with me in his talon began to fly quickly through the halls.

"We need to get out of here!". He roared

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