UsUk - Prom

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Request: Jotkai (PL)

"Come on!" Arthur yelled, angry at his hair that didn't want to be the way he wanted. After 5 more minutes of trying to brush his hair down he gave up with an annoyed sigh. He woke up at 5am to get everything to be perfect, and only his hair didn't want to cooperate for at least an hour! He wanted to confess his love to his crush and ask him out to prom.

His crush, Alfred, was the leader in the school's football team, was called 'the most handsome man in the whole school' and was so easygoing that evryone in school was his friend (even teachers).

Arthur, on the other hand, was pretty normal (unless it comes to his grades, they were the highest in his class), so he didn't think his crush would go with him. 'Well, it's still worth a try!' Arthur thought and with that in mind he ran to school to get his love.


Arthur wrote a letteron his free period and was going towards Alfred's locker. He stopped tho when he saw him with some blonde girl.

"Will you go to prom with me?"

Arthur's heart stopped. He knew that he would be rejected, but ending up being beaten by a girl? He should know he'd end up like this. Both of them are boys so it'd be weird if they'd go together, maybe even impossible.

Tears started rolling out of his eyes. He ran home, forgetting about his letter.


"Will you go to prom with me?" asked the girl standing in front of me. She was looking so happy and hopefull... It kinda hurt that I had to turn her down.

As I was about to reject her, I heard someone crying softlly. I looked behind and saw Arthur. He was looking down, like a scolded puppy, with tears in his eyes. I wanted to ask what happened, but he ran away before I had a chance.

I turned to face the girl.

"Sorry, but I have to reject you." I said, kind of akwardlly. "But don't forget there are other fish in the sea!" I winked at her, making her smile once again. She nodded and walked away, still happy.

I went to look for Arthur, butstopped immiedetlly when I saw a letter on the flor where he was staning. I picked it up and saw my name written on the front in a nice looking cursive. I opened and read it. My heart was going crazy just in the middle, and by the end I bet my face was complitely red. I wanted to go to his house and ask HIM to go out with me, but he did it first! I was so happy!

Then I realised that he just ran off after seeing me talk to  that girl. Well, I'm still so happy! Tomorow I'll tell him how awesome it would be if we'd go togerher!



Arthur woke up upon hearing someone knocking at the door. He looked at the time. '12:47' He didn't invite anyone, but thought nothing about it as he went to answer the door, his hair a mess and eyes puffy from rying and loose of sleep.

He opened the door to reveal Alfred. 

"Arthur, dude!" he said. "Are you ok? You haven't been to school for the whole week now! It's not like you!"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine..." Arthur said, now ashamed of his look.

Alfred let out a sigh. "I'm glad. You really got me worried here!"

Arthur blushed. He didn't want to wory anyone, especially his crush.

The american boy came inside and closed the door behind him. He then hugged Arthur close to him and kissed his forehead. "I read a letter that you lost at school" he said softlly. "I wanted to ask you too around that time, but you were faster. And I'd be greatfull to be your men!"

The smaller Brit just nodded. He was speachless. The prom night will definetelly be the best memmory he'd ever make.

Or at last the first of them~

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